education sessions

We have a wide array of educational sessions waiting for you at AFP ICON 2024. Whether you want to master leadership, relationship building, securing the gift, trends and innovation, or all of the above, AFP has the latest and greatest information to unlock your fundraising potential.

*Sessions and speakers subject to change.
*Session times, dates and assigned rooms subject to change.


Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 602 A/B

Getting Help: Engaging Volunteers to Grow Your Gift Planning Program

The most effective path to supercharge your gift planning program is help from volunteers! In this session you will learn how to effectively harness the power of volunteer leadership in your gift planning program, as well as, practical strategies to maximize their impact on fundraising success.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Carlo Laurore, CFRE, CFP® CHFC® CLU® RICP® AEP® CAP®

Photo of Carlo Laurore
National Boy Scouts of America Foundation - VP & Executive Director
Carlo Laurore is the VP & Executive Director of the National Boy Scouts of America Foundation, where he has worked for almost the past decade. Currently, he leads planned giving, corporate giving, and Private Foundation fundraising for the BSA. Carlo also provides leadership for grant administration, restricted funds management, and fundraising educational initiatives for the national organization. He is an Executive Committee member of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners Board.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 701A

The Downside of Donor Centric Fundraising

Donor centric fundraising states we should center donor interests, motivations, needs and values. In doing so, do we ignore the needs of the communities we serve? What is the downside of donor centric fundraising? Learn how to identify the problems of the improper application of donor centric fundraising.

Audience: Applied


Angela Barnes, CFRE, MBA

Photo of Angela Barnes
Angela is a Managing Director with Carter, an international philanthropic giving consultancy, working with human services, arts and culture and higher education partners in the areas of annual giving, major gifts, and campaign planning. She believes every nonprofit can become a well-funded scalable institution. Not afraid of risks, she has worked with leadership and advancement teams to foster internal cultures of philanthropy. Angela has an MBA from Ursuline College and attained her CFRE in 2022.

Jack Alotto, CFRE, MA

Photo of Jack Alotto
Consultant - Consultant and Educator
Jack has served in a variety of fundraising leadership roles in healthcare, social services, and the arts sectors. His commitment to philanthropy led him to serve as a trainer at the Fundraising Academy at National University, with focuses on cause selling, fundraising basics, and major gifts, since 2019. Dedicated to the professional development of fundraisers, Jack is a CFRE ambassador, while working diligently to advance DEI in the sector.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 713 A/B

2022 Stewardship Survey Results: Sharing Best Practices

After this session you will: Understand the strategies used to ensure the success of donor stewardship programs in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. You’ll also be aware of the challenges faced by stewardship programs and what hasn't worked. And the most effective strategies and approaches by sector of activity.

Audience: Strategic


George Stanois

Photo of George Stanois
BNP GOLDIE Canada - Senior Vice President
George began his fundraising career in 1984 with an international consulting firm and joined The Goldie Company in 1996. In 2020, Goldie merged with BNP Philanthropic to form BNP Goldie Canada. George has a consistent record of developing innovative solutions to fundraising challenges, exceeding expectations and forging long-term relationships. He has conducted numerous studies and led scores of successful campaigns for a wide range of nonprofit organizations from coast to coast.

Teresa Vasilopoulos

Photo of Teresa Vasilopoulos
The WoodGreen Foundation - Executive Director
Teresa Vasilopoulos is a seasoned Fundraising Executive with a proven track record of stellar performance in the planning and execution of multi-million dollar campaigns. She was responsible for the facilitation of the ground-breaking $50M gift from Myron and Berna Garron, the largest gift in Canada to a community hospital, at its time. A thoughtful and genuine fundraising professional, Teresa is focused on providing meaningful and authentic donor experiences.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 714 A/B

Small Shops Big Success in Planned Giving

Planned giving is not just for the big organizations with lots of resources. It's for every organization with a compelling mission. You will be able identify planned giving prospects and obtain over 30 different donor conversation starters. Receive practical strategies for securing the planned gift and increase annual gifts too!

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Alexis India Alm, AFP Master Trainer, CFRE, CAP, MNA

Photo of Alexis India Alm
Ms. Alexis India Alm, MNA, CFRE, CAP® has over 35 years of executive leadership and nonprofit success. She is the CEO of Alexis Alm Advisors, LLC. and a well-known speaker, trainer, executive coach in philanthropy and nonprofit management. Additionally, she has established successful, multi-million dollar planned giving programs in local, community-based organizations. She is also an AFP Master Trainer and the 2024-2025 International Board Chair of CFRE.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 715 A/B

Creating Real, Token Free Board Diversity

Frustrated that your board isn't diverse like your community? Aware that this lack of diversity is directly impeding your fundraising? This session will tell you exactly what a fundraiser can do to make change happen!

Audience: Applied


Armando Zumaya, 34 years

Photo of Armando Zumaya
Somos El Poder - Founder
Armando Zumaya has been in fundraising for 34 years in a variety of roles that have given him a unique perspective on development offices, prospecting and role of prospect research/management. He is the Founder of Somos El Poder, the first Latinx Fundraising Institute in the US. He is widely published author and writer on development and nonprofits.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 716 A/B

Show Me the Money, Securing Lucrative Sponsorships

This session will help you identify what it takes to secure lucrative sponsorships through relationships and prospecting. Therefore, they can show you the money.

Audience: Strategic


William Bryant, MBA

Photo of William Bryant
Mobile Area Council, Boy Scouts of America - Scout Executive/CEO
William Bryant, Jr. is the Scout Executive/CEO Mobile Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. He is the immediate past Revenue and Membership Growth Coach for the National Office of the Boy Scouts of America. William is a Subject Matter Expert in Fund Development. William has served as a Field Director, Scout Reach Director, Finance Director and Senior Development Director. In his over 15 years of experience, William has raised more than $300 million.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 718 A

Learning To Speak about Love in Fundraising: New Research from 2023

At the core of the root of philanthropy is the notion of love. Yet, in fundraising we frequently default to the language of money or support. This session will explore how growing love can not only build the wellbeing of our supporters it can also double giving.

Audience: Applied


Adrian Sargeant, PhD

Photo of Adrian Sargeant
Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy - Co-Director
Adrian Sargeant PhD is Co-Director of the Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy. He is one of the world's leading fundraising academics and was formerly the first Hartsook Chair in Fundraising at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University. He is the author Fundraising Principles and Practice, Building Donor Loyalty and Fundraising Management: Analysis, Planning and Practice.

Jen Shang, PhD

Photo of Jen Shang
Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy - Co-Director
Jen Shang is Co-Director and Professor of Philanthropic Psychology at the Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy. Jen's research has been featured by outlets such as the BBC and the Wall Street Journal. Her research has been funded by the Society of Judgment and Decision Making, the National Science Foundation, The Aspen Institute, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and the Hewlett Foundation.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 801 B

Building the House: Applying Project Management Principles to the Grant Proposal Process

From the foundation to the interior, building a house requires that certain steps be taken in the correct order. Learn how to "build the house" correctly and apply the principles of project management to submit an intentional, organized, cohesive multi-year, large-dollar, or Federal grant proposal.

Audience: Applied


Danielle Dougherty, MPA

Photo of Danielle Dougherty
Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library - Assistant Director of Grants Management
Danielle Dougherty is the Assistant Director of Grants Management at Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library where she manages all corporate and foundation fundraising in support of the institution. To date, she has raised nearly $1.6 million in grant funding for organizations ranging from museums to domestic violence centers. Danielle has a Master’s in Public Administration from West Chester University.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 803 A/B

Driving Impact: How to Supercharge Your Golf Tournament’s Fundraising Power (Presented by Golf Status)

Golf's capacity for fundraising is unmatched. To maximize your tournament’s fundraising potential, it’s crucial to understand how to appeal to golfers’ and sponsors’ generosity. This session will outline best practices and proven strategies for pricing teams and sponsorships, filling your tournament’s field, incorporating contests and games, and other revenue-generating components.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Logan Foote

Photo of Logan Foote
Golfstatus - Sales and Education Director
Logan Foote has been around the game of golf his whole life, but despite thousands of attempts, he’s never gotten a hole-in-one (except in mini golf). His passion for golf led him to GolfStatus in 2017, where he discovered the sport’s power for good. As Sales and Education Director, Logan oversees a team that works with thousands of nonprofits to maximize their golf fundraisers and shares his golf fundraising expertise through GolfStatus’ educational webinars.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 717 A/B

Making Sense of Fundraising: What’s Working in ’24 and More

There are dozens of different industry trend reports - how do we make sense of what's a bright shiny object and what really works? In this session we'll review all the trends, discuss what's working, and workshop a plan you can implement to make the most of fundraising research.   Eligible for 1.25 ACFRE credits in Leadership and Management

Audience: Applied


Clay Buck, CFRE, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Clay Buck
TCB Fundraising - Founder and Principal
T. Clay Buck, CFRE is the Founder of TCB Fundraising, a fundraising and nonprofit communications consultancy focusing on data-informed strategies to strengthen results and deepen engagement. A thirty-year fundraising veteran, Clay has worked nonprofits across the country. He is an AFP Master Trainer and holds the certificate in Philanthropic Psychology. He is also the co-creator of The Fundraiser’s Planner, Lead Fundraising Coach at iWave and the Chair of the IDEA Committee for AFP Global.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 601 A/B

The Annual Global Review of Legal Developments & Court Decisions Impacting Fundraising and Philanthropy

I know. You’re wondering how this unique AFP-ICON annual session on recent global fundraising-related laws, rules, regulations, and court cases can be THE session not to miss. But it is. Changes in the law impact donors’ capacity to support our causes. You’ll leave with new ideas and creative fundraising strategies.   Eligible for 1.25 ACFRE credits in Ethics, Accountability and Professionalism

Audience: Strategic


Ted Sudol, JD

Photo of Ted Sudol
Bruce Tait Associates, Ltd. - Fundraising Counsel
Ted Sudol brings cross-disciplinary global perspectives to philanthropy and fundraising, shaped over 40 years as a practitioner, consultant, lawyer, executive, nonprofit entrepreneur in the voluntary, public, and private sectors. After a decade at Carter, Ted now serves as fundraising counsel for Bruce Tait Associates, Ltd. (Stirling, Scotland) and Athens Philanthropic (Georgia). Ted strives for creative but simple approaches for complex matters. A frequent AFP-ICON speaker, Ted is a graduate of Georgetown and Temple Law School.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 802 A/B

Influencing and Informing Your Organization’s Vision for Philanthropy (Presented by Advancement Resources)

Have your colleagues ever approached you with a shopping list of funding priorities and a directive to “go get the money”? Too often in healthcare philanthropy, our organizations understand only in part how to apply the power of philanthropy to achieve our goals. In this panel discussion, learn research-based best-practices for redirecting conversations with clinicians, executives, and others; building trust; and securing a seat at the table in hospital or system priority-setting discussions. Use data-driven strategies to help achieve lasting outcomes for your organization’s important work.

Audience: Applied


Shashea Adams-Guess

Photo of Shashea Adams-Guess
UT Southwestern Medical Center - AVP Advancement Strategy and Operations
Shashea is the AVP of Advancement Strategy and Operations at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Over her 20+ years in leadership, Shashea has been a trusted advisor on culture and strategic planning, but her greatest contribution is leading her team to advance engagement, fundraising initiatives, and the mission of UT Southwestern.

Mark McCampbell

Photo of Mark McCampbell
Advancement Resources - Senior Vice President
Mark is committed to this comprehensive approach, identifying strengths and opportunities, assets and effectiveness in teams, and helping to create near-term change that produces long-term transformation. With more than 36 years of experience in a wide range of development leadership positions, Mark has worked with leaders in health care, higher education, arts, human services, and faith-based institutions to help organizations prepare and take steps toward the next level of growth.

Michael Delzotti, CFRE, AFP Master Trainer, FAHP

Photo of Michael Delzotti
UK Markey Cancer Foundation - President & CEO
Mike has 29+ years in leadership and began at a Los Angeles foundation; moved to UCLA, then Special Olympics. In Texas, Mike was a leader at Rice University; then led both MD Anderson’s major/planned giving during two $1B+ campaigns and Neurodegeneration Consortium ($65M partner-campaign with MIT, Baylor College of Medicine).

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 718 B

The Status of Canadian Fundraising Report: Current Trends, Examples and Advice to Drive Growth (Presented by Blackbaud)

Join Blackbaud to explore how fundraising is trending in Canada. Our annual Status of Canadian Fundraising Report shares insights from 500+ fundraising professionals on income, fundraising performance, digital transformation and more. In this session, we draw from these research findings to understand what's driving nonprofit organization's success, and provide real-world examples, actionable advice and tips on best practices to help your nonprofit organization achieve sustainable growth – even in a challenging economy.

Audience: Applied


Page Bullington

Photo of Page Bullington
Blackbaud - Vice President and Global Managing Director, Customer Success, Blackbaud
As Vice President and Global Managing Director of Customer Success, Page oversees a team of customer success managers dedicated to ensure Blackbaud customers receive the maximum value from their solutions and can support their intended missions. Prior to Blackbaud, Page was Grants Director for Roper St. Francis Healthcare in Charleston, SC, specializing in grant writing and corporate gift funding. She has extensive experience working in the nonprofit industry, specifically with educational, healthcare, and political organizations.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 801 A

How to Communicate your Cause using the 3 Vs of Communication

Communicating your organization’s story effectively is vital to meeting fundraising goals. Authentic communication can be challenging in person and in the virtual world. Be confident in your next Ask. Attendees will leave knowing how to communicate their cause using the 3Vs of communication.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Kristal Frazier

Photo of Kristal Frazier
FundJoy LLC - Nonprofit Consultant, Speaker, Author
Kristal Frazier is the founder of the Assertive Ask®, used by licensed trainers who empower organizations, associations, and universities to present without fear so they can fund, sustain, and grow. Kristal has an innate talent for coaching critical thinkers and thought leaders to craft words and deliver speeches that cultivate investors, funders, and donors. She is truly an inspirational speaker, noted for her warm personality, motivational and insightful teachings, unrivaled professionalism, and expansive knowledge.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

9:00am - 10:15am
Room 701B

Strategies for Indigenous Engagement in Fundraising: Lessons Learned and Shared (Sponsored by Veritus Group)

Learn how to collaborate effectively with Indigenous peoples, communities, and donors by exploring the largest fundraising campaign for First Nations Peoples in Canada. Discover strategies for aligning donor and indigenous objectives through building relationships based on trust, centering Indigenous voices, and mindful messaging to make a positive impact together.

Audience: Applied


Naomi Racette

Photo of Naomi Racette
NIB Trust Fund - Executive Director
Naomi Racette is a Cree/Métis from Saskatchewan. As Executive Director of the NIB Trust Fund, the largest funding organization of Indigenous peoples in Canada, she has been granting funds to self-determined projects addressing the harms of residential schools. A relationship builder, Naomi is proud of the strong financial management and leadership established at the Trust Fund. Naomi is inspired every day by survivors, elders, youth, communities, and organizations, moving forward grounded in traditional ways.

Don Gorsalitz, CFRE

Photo of Don Gorsalitz
DCG Philanthropic Services Inc. - President
Don has over 30 years of experience in fundraising with expertise in strategy development, campaign management, and volunteer and donor engagement. He is a trusted advisor for high-profile fund development efforts in Canada working on annual, major, and legacy giving campaigns. He has extensive experience fundraising alongside Indigenous individuals and organizations. Don applies a strategic and innovative approach to every project, collaborating with clients and donors to provide fund development expertise and community investment strategy.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 601 A/B

Inspire and Influence Others to Act: Get Out of Your Head. Get Into Your Heart

Do you need someone to support your organization? Are you trying to get others excited about following your lead? Do you have an idea that you want others to get behind? In this session, we will teach you a framework to communicate more effectively to influence others, to refine your storytelling and access and leverage your secret weapon - your authentic voice.

Audience: Applied


Tiffany Quivers, MA

Photo of Tiffany Quivers
Tiffany Quivers has over twenty years experience in training, strategy and leadership development. She is an accomplished facilitator and curriculum developer that is known for designing learning experiences that engage learners and lead to new conversations and actions. She is a sought-after speaker for organizations such as Association for Talent Development and The Executive Leadership Council. Tiffany has worked domestically and internationally with organizations to guide and manage change and increase effectiveness.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 701A

Making the Ask- using neuroscience in your solicitation

Leave old-school moves management behind and use the latest thinking in neuroscience in your major donor fundraising. Discover 20 science-based tools to engage your prospect while soliciting your next major gift. The session is almost entirely interactive under five broad headings- Passion, Proposal, Preparation, Persuasion, and Persistence.

Audience: Applied


Bernard Ross, MA

Photo of Bernard Ross
=mc consulting - Director
An internationally regarded expert on strategy and behavioral science, he’s written 8 award winning books on fundraising. Breakthrough Thinking won best non-profit book in the USA. He’s advised many of the world’s leading INGOs: UNICEF, UNHCR, IFRC, ICRC and MSF, And raised money for Europe’s largest scientific experiment, for the biggest refugee camp, to house the world’s largest dinosaur in Argentina, and to save the last 800 great apes in Africa.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 701B

When the Going Gets Tough, The Generous Get Going: How Market Shifts Affect Charitable Giving

Fundraisers are challenged in both bull and bear markets. In this session you will learn practical ways to engage donors during economic downturn and upturn, including the psychological and sociological factors that prompt transformational gifts to your organization.

Audience: Applied


Juanita Sheppard, CFRE

Photo of Juanita Sheppard
United Way of Greater Atlanta - Vice President, Foundation Partnerships
As Vice President, Foundation Partnerships at United Way of Greater Atlanta, Juanita Sheppard strategically serves as the central source for cultivating and engaging foundation and government partners. She is a member of the Forbes Nonprofit Council, Neighborhood Nexus, and Midtown Atlanta Rotary. Juanita also served as Past President of the AFP Greater Atlanta Chapter (2019). Juanita earned her CFRE certification in June 2020.

Debra Faulk, MA

Photo of Debra Faulk
Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services - Vice President, Philanthopic Specialist
Debra Faulk is a senior philanthropic advisor. Within Wells Fargo Philanthropic Services, Debra supports $1.5 billion+ of charitable assets under management and works with nonprofit organizations in endowment management, fundraising, and planned giving. She also helps charitable high-net-worth families establish and administer private foundations, charitable trusts, DAFs, and other charitable strategies. Debra was a CEO of public charity, owned a public relations practice focused on public-private partnerships, and is a sought-after speaker in the Southeast.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 714 A/B

So, You’re Thinking About Leadership?

Being a fundraiser doesn’t prepare you to be a leader. Often though, career advancement only comes from moving into a leadership role. Join an interactive workshop to identify the skills needed to advance, how to prepare for a leadership role, and what to do once you get there.

Audience: Applied


Eli Clarke

Photo of Eli Clarke
McMaster University - Manager, Estate Giving & Legacy Planning
Everyone deserves an education, regardless of financial background and access to education creates a more just and equitable world. As Manager, Estate Giving and Legacy Planning at McMaster University, Eli aligns opportunities to support students with donor’s philanthropic interests. Prior to McMaster, Eli was a Senior Development Officer, Gift Planning at the University of Toronto after overseeing the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada’s legacy giving program.

Justin Pilon

Photo of Justin Pilon
Huron University College - Associate Vice President, Advancement
Justin Pilon is the Associate Vice President, Advancement at Huron Unviersity College, an affiliate of the University of Western Ontario dedicated to educating Leaders with Heart. With over 10 years of experience in higher-education philanthropy, Justin is a passionate facilitator of conversations that help donors and organizations achieve their philanthropic and fundraising goals and create opportunities for students to pursue a world-class education. Justin is the Past Chair of the London Ontario Chapter of CAGP.

Afshaan Kohari

Photo of Afshaan Kohari
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto - Director of Advancement
Afshaan thrives on building strong, authentic relationships. Her work experience includes mid-level and major gift fundraising, gift implementation and volunteer engagement. She is passionate about continuous learning and inclusive leadership. She describes herself as a big picture thinker and facilitator of valuable conversations that drive impact and bring about change. Currently she is Director of Advancement for the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 715 A/B

Empowering Communication Strategies Within The Disability Sector

People with disabilities constitute the nation's largest minority group, and the only group any of us can become a member of at any time. Learn perspective and communication techniques to be the best ally possible, and to enroll and inspire 10% of the world's population into your mission.

Audience: Applied


Kyra Millich, CFRE, JD

Photo of Kyra Millich
National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Major Gifts Officer
Kyra is the Major Gift Officer for the Western Region of the United States and co-founder of the Disability Employment Resource Group at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. After receiving a diagnosis of MS, Kyra transitioned from consumer protection litigation to development - first managing peer-to-peer fundraising events and then as an individual giving professional. She is honored to specialize in genuine empowerment, inspiration and enrollment of persons impacted by disability.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 717 A/B

From Capitol Hill to Nonprofits: how understanding public policy makes you a better fundraiser

What can you do to be prepared to elevate your organization’s work and mission with lawmakers? Learn how federal policy affects nonprofits and their donors. This session will give fundraisers an approachable, easy-to-understand summary of how upcoming policy changes will impact their fundraising.   

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Nicole Weingartner

Photo of Nicole Weingartner
Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP - Director, State Government Relations
Nicole L. Weingartner, well-established as "The Long Island Lobbyist”, has been dedicated to aiding and assisting many of Long Island's nonprofit organizations with representation at the local, county, state and federal levels of government, securing millions of dollars in funding to essential organizations of Long Island's communities.

Lisa Chmiola, CFRE, AFP Master Trainer, CSPG, MS

Photo of Lisa Chmiola
Currently the Director of Gift Planning for the University of Missouri-St. Louis, she has served in major gifts and gift planning roles in education (public and private) and religious institutions, following initial career experience in event-based philanthropy. She also serves as the Chief Fablanthropist for Fablanthropy (the intersection of fabulous and philanthropy), working with nonprofit organizations and fundraising professionals providing consulting, training, and coaching services, particularly on legacy giving strategies.

Sally Schaeffer, MA

Photo of Sally Schaeffer
Uncorked Advocates - Principal Consultant
Bringing nearly 25 years of experience, Sally Schaeffer is founder and owner of Uncorked Advocates, a bipartisan federal government relations firm started in 2017. Among her current clients are some of the largest nonprofits and philanthropic associations in the country, including Association of Fundraising Professionals, American Heart Association, YWCA USA, Covenant House International, United Philanthropy Forum, and Prevent Child Abuse America.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 718 B

Sway the Doubters: Change the Narrative for Professional Fundraising

The Narrative has helped participants engage about our profession with board members, colleagues and yes, that relative at the dinner table. This session will arm you with the tools and information you need to help you better articulate the importance and relevance of your work to the public, the media, your boss, your board, to those pesky relatives who still haven't quite figured it out, and perhaps most importantly, your donors. Initiated by AFP Canada this session reflects learnings from prior trainings and current events.

Audience: Strategic


Nancy Dossous, CFRE

Photo of Nancy Dossous
Community Foundations Canada - Director, Partnerships
Nancy Perry Dossous, CFRE, stands on a decade of impactful non-profit experience, propelled by her dedication to cultivating relationships that drive inclusion and disrupt inequity. As the Director of Development at the McGill University Health Foundation in Montreal, Quebec, Nancy advocates for health equity. Her commitment extends to service on the Boards of the Welcome Collective and AFP Canada.

Sarah Lyon, CFRE

Photo of Sarah Lyon
Nova Scotia SPCA - Director, External Relations
Sarah was hired on the spot for her first fundraising role, her previous experience being Girl Guide cookies sales. She moved into senior leadership roles in both fundraising and communications. She loves to talk about the social impact sector and has authored articles, blog posts, and co-hosted podcasts about philanthropy.

Scott Decksheimer, CFRE

Photo of Scott Decksheimer
Avista Philanthropy - Founder
Scott has been a leader in the non-profit field for more than 25 years. In 2022, he co-founded Avista Philanthropy, a sought-after firm for charities seeking specialized fundraising and leadership counsel. Over his career, Scott has consulted for and worked with over 85 organizations.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 801 B

The Journey from 2 to 10 Million: Capital Campaigns and Identity

The Perley Health Foundation undertook – in a timespan of 3 years – a rebrand, a new vision for the organization and launched a $10 Million dollar Capital Campaign that dwarfs their typical annual $2 Million goal. Attend to hear the seven leadership learnings from a leader and executive coach.

Audience: Strategic


Delphine Hasle, CFRE

Photo of Delphine Hasle
Perley Health Foundation - Executive Director
Delphine Hasle is a motivated professional, adept and experienced in setting philanthropic strategies and performance measures from annual programs through to capital campaigns. As Executive Director of Perley Health, she has extensive experience with operational and financial management and reporting at the C-Suite and Boardroom levels. She is at her best when working as a conduit between the donor and the institution.

Jenny Mitchell, CFRE, PhD, CEC

Photo of Jenny Mitchell
Chavender - Founder and CEO
Chavender’s vision is to help more people do more good. Founder and president of Chavender, Jenny Mitchell (CFRE, DMA), works closely with not-for-profit leaders to change the world - one mission at a time. Before completing her CFRE, Jenny trained as a classical musician and earned her Doctorate of Musical Arts. She brings her creative approach, her drive for excellence, and her passion for people to the world of not-for-profits.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 803 A/B

Hacking Human Wetware - The Art and Science of Neurophilanthropy

wet·ware (n): the brain, especially respecting computational capabilities and decision-making processes. Eric and Eryn-Faye will leverage their combined 40 years of work, education, and hundreds of millions of dollars raised to help you explore the emerging field of neurophilanthropy, the confluence of neuroscience, psychology, and sociology within fundraising.

Audience: Applied


Eryn-Faye Mallone, MSc, LLB.

Photo of Eryn-Faye Mallone, MSc, LLB.
NeuroImprints - Behavioural Scientist
A behavioural scientist with an insatiable curiosity about what makes people give money away, Eryn-Faye Mallone is the CEO of NeuroImprints. She specializes in taking donor segmentation, cultivation, and stewardship to new levels by integrating psychosocial profiling, neurodesign, and other research-based techniques. Eryn-Faye holds a Master of Science in Applied Neuroscience from King’s College London (England) as well as a law degree from the University of Glasgow (Scotland).

Eric Frans, CFRE, MA

Photo of Eric Frans
IFCJ - Vice President, Philanthropy
Eric is a highly creative and strategic senior executive with extensive local, national, and international non-profit experience. For over two decades he has a consistent track record of training best-in-class teams and receiving six, seven, and eight-figure gifts based on his recognized expertise in the field of neurophilanthropy. As Vice-President of Philanthropy at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), Eric oversees all relationship fundraising, as well as gift planning and foundations.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 718 A

Before Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Blockbusters get all the press. But even in Hollywood, there’s a lot that happens before the opening curtain. Join us as we look behind the scenes of how philanthropic producers (AKA fundraisers) partner with leadership talent. Together we’ll discuss how cast and crew work together to build a giving culture.   Eligible for 1.25 ACFRE credits in Leadership and Management

Audience: Applied


Samantha Booras

Photo of Samantha Booras
Samantha Booras is the Assistant Director of Development for UCLA’s Division of Undergraduate Education in the College of Letters and Science. She is responsible with helping execute annual fund campaigns, volunteer management, event planning, and securing major gifts. She is an active member of AFP’s Greater San Fernando Valley Chapter, serving on the educational committee since 2021. In her free time, Samantha enjoys hiking, ice skating, horseback riding, and whale watching.


Photo of Joy C. McKee
UCLA College of Letters and Science - Executive Director of Development, Undergraduate Education
Joy McKee, ACFRE is the Executive Director of Development for UCLA’s Division of Undergraduate Education in the College of Letters and Science. Her 22+ year fundraising career has been dedicated to building a culture of collaborative philanthropy. Under her leadership, she and her team raised over $48 million during a $5.4 billion campaign for UCLA. She has served on the ACFRE Credentialing Board and currently serves on the AFP Greater San Fernando Valley Chapter board.

Benjamin Mohler, ACFRE, CFRE, MA

Photo of Benjamin Mohler
GivingThree - Chief Executive and Principal Consultant
Ben Mohler is the chief executive of GivingThree. Prior to this he served in key advancement roles for Kentucky Community and Technical College System, Eastern Kentucky University, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Cedarville University, and University of Texas at Austin. Mohler has served previously as a member of the ACFRE Credentialing Board. He currently serves on the AHP Journal Advisory Council and the boards of both AFP Global and United Way of Kentucky.

Magdalena Barragan

Photo of Magdalena Barragan
UCLA - Executive Director, International Education Office
Magdalena Barragán is the Executive Director for the UCLA International Education Office. She has 23-years of experience working with international students and study abroad experiences, including managing one of the nation’s largest MBA Exchange Programs. She has successfully recruited international students and managed over 100 outbound programs for UCLA. Her current efforts are focused on creating a long-term relationship with prior program participants where students gain greater career and networking value for their experience abroad.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 716 A/B

Philanthropy is Black History: The Untold Stories of Black Philanthropists

Just as with American history, Black philanthropists have largely been forgotten throughout history. Philanthropy is Black History: The Untold Stories of Black Philanthropists, this enlightening session explores the impact of Black donors, past and present, on society and inspires attendees to embrace a more inclusive approach to philanthropy.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Lauren Tudor, CAP®, CAP

Photo of Lauren Tudor, CAP®
ARCHITECT Philanthropic Collective - Founder
Meet Lauren Elyse Tudor, an accomplished CAP®-certified operations strategist, fundraiser, and founder of ARCHITECT Philanthropic Collective. Her impressive track record includes leadership positions at major organizations such as the Greater Cincinnati Foundation, Public Allies Cincinnati, YWCA, United Way, and All On The Line (formerly Organizing for America OFA), the campaign to re-elect President Barack Obama. Lauren is a fierce advocate for advancing social justice movements, specifically women's reproductive rights.

Victoria Mullins

Photo of Victoria Mullins
The Ohio State University Extension - Area Leader, Hamilton and Butler Counties
Victoria Fresh is currently the Area Leader for the Hamilton and Butler County Extension programs in the Southwest region of Ohio helping to create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic, and environmental conditions. While she is early in her career, with just five years under her belt, she has raised just shy of $3 million and enjoys sharing her methods and learnings with her peers.

Adrienne McDade Taylor, CFRE, MA, MBA

Photo of Adrienne McDade Taylor
Skystone Partners - Senior Consultant
Adrienne Taylor is a Sr. Consultant at Skystone Partners. Adrienne started her career in fundraising through the AFP-Greater Cincinnati Chapter’s diversity program, New Faces of Fundraising, and now serves on the leadership team. She is the 2023 Greater Cincinnati Chapter President and AFP Global Board Member. Her commitment to IDEA is what keeps her actively engaged with AFP. She is a proud mom, wife, member of Kaleidoscope Investment Group and loves theatrical makeup.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 602 A/B

Creating a Framework for Compassionate & Ethical Storying Telling

History has shown that stories are linked to what it means to be human. Organizations must institute a framework that gives the client a voice while protecting them from the unintended consequence of storytelling. Ethical & Compassionate storytelling should be a tool in each nonprofits tools box.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Derria Ford, MBA, Ed.D

Photo of Derria Ford
Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands - Deputy Director of Community Engagement and Development
Derria Ford holds a Doctorate in Leadership and Professional Practice. She is also a graduate of MTSU, where she earned a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Organizational Psychology and Communications. Since 2009, she has administrated and raised over $60,000,000 via various grants, including government, local, foundation, private grants, and individual donations. She is currently Deputy Director of Community Engagement and Development for the Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 802 A/B

Preparing Before, During, and After for Stellar Engagement (Presented by Advancement Resources)

Engagement makes the world turn in healthcare philanthropy—but are you fully leveraging the opportunity that intentional, strategic communication and engagement strategy provides? In this session, panelists explore how they prepare for and execute thoughtful communications and follow-up with potential donors in order to ensure that each touch point is maximized for optimal effectiveness in increasing commitment and meeting your hospital’s goals.

Audience: Applied


Janice Chan

Photo of Janice Chan
Michael Garron Hospital Foundation - Director of Marketing and Communications
From igniting discussion about the most fatal gynecological cancer to fostering optimism as our health system recovers from the pandemic, Janice’s career has focused on creating meaningful engagement. At Michael Garron Hospital Foundation, she’s showing donors how their support is helping a community hospital exceed all expectations.

Caleb Dutzer

Photo of Caleb Dutzer
Advancement Resources - Vice President of Strategic Partnerships
Caleb works closely with academic, healthcare, and nonprofit organizations to develop and execute a customized and strategic approach to deepen the culture of philanthropy within each organization while supporting long-term transformation. In addition, Caleb is part of the facilitation team that delivers professional education for healthcare, academic, and nonprofit organizations. Through these engagements, he is involved in many client-focused projects and is honored to serve these organizations in a variety of ways.

Marc Kaplan

Photo of Marc Kaplan
Nicklaus Children's Hospital Foundation - Director of Development
Marc is responsible for major giving, capital campaigns, donor engagement, cultivation, and strategic collaboration across the Nicklaus Children’s Health System. Marc spends his time in the community creating awareness and providing the opportunity for members of the community and global community to invest in the children’s future.

Michael Delzotti, CFRE, AFP Master Trainer, FAHP

Photo of Michael Delzotti
UK Markey Cancer Foundation - President & CEO
Mike has 29+ years in leadership and began at a Los Angeles foundation; moved to UCLA, then Special Olympics. In Texas, Mike was a leader at Rice University; then led both MD Anderson’s major/planned giving during two $1B+ campaigns and Neurodegeneration Consortium ($65M partner-campaign with MIT, Baylor College of Medicine).

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 801 A

Fundraising Intelligence: The New Standard in Modern Fundraising (Presented by Kindsight (iWave+ UCInnovation + NOS)

Giving is shifting, competition for funds is increasing, and retention is at an all-time low. Now more than ever, it is imperative for organizations to embrace personalization and individualized approaches to donor engagement. But how do you do this with limited resources and a wide range of diverse responsibilities?   Join us to dive into the new standard of modern fundraising; fundraising intelligence and the transformative power of big data, automation, and AI. Learn how to optimize efficiency, overcome resource constraints, and deliver a personalized engagement experience to every donor, thus empowering your organization to thrive in an ever-evolving nonprofit landscape.

Audience: Applied


Craig O'Neill

Photo of Craig O'Neill
Kindsight (iWave+ UCinnovation + NOS) - CEO - Kindsight (formerly iWave)
Craig has a 30-year track record of building innovative software companies in customer relationship management, wealth management, and payments. Prior to joining iWave, Craig was the CEO of Versapay, a fintech company that serves over a million buyers and sellers on its business-to-business billing and payment network. He holds a B.Sc. from the University of Toronto in Computer Science and Mathematics.

Cherian Koshy, CFRE

Photo of Cherian Koshy
Kindsight (iWave+ UCinnovation + NOS) - VP of Product Strategy- Kindsight (formerly iWave).
Cherian Koshy, VP of Product Strategy at iWave, is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP), and AFP Master Trainer. He is the founder of the Nonprofit Operating System (now an iWave product), a comprehensive platform designed to help organizations streamline their operations and maximize their impact. Prior to starting NonprofitOS, Cherian spent more twenty five years working in the nonprofit sector, working with thousands of donors and raising millions

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

10:45am - 12:00pm
Room 713 A/B

From Click to Impact: Enhancing Your Online Donation Journey (Presented by Bloomerang)

Imagine if your nonprofit could retain just 10% more recurring givers than the industry average. Not only would this boost your fundraising efforts and help you reach your goals, but achieving this is as simple as focusing on online giving tools and best practices.   During this panel discussion, we will explore insights from Bloomerang’s Donor Experience Report. This report analyzed the online giving interactions of over 300 nonprofits, where we made $25 donations to various organizations across the U.S. and carefully monitored the outcomes. We will provide practical advice on enhancing your donation process, optimizing your landing page, crafting impactful receipt emails, perfecting your thank yous, and executing effective follow-up strategies.

Audience: Applied


Ligia Pena, CFRE, AFP Master Trainer, M.Sc.

Photo of Ligia Pena
GlobetrottingFundraiser - International Legacy Consultant
Ligia Peña, CFRE is President of GlobetrottingFundraiser, specializing in helping charities develop & implement their fundraising and legacy strategy. She's also a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Kent, researching national legacy marketing campaigns. As an AFP Master Trainer, she’s trained countless fundraisers around the globe. She's a sought-after and seasoned international presenter who enjoys sharing her knowledge and empowering nonprofits professionals to think about legacies differently by daring to be creative and innovative.

Emily Marsh

Photo of Emily Marsh
Child and Family Charities - Assistant Development Director
Emily Marsh, M.A., exudes an unwavering love for kids and community, evident through her role as Assistant Development Director at Child and Family Charities. With a passionate dedication to making a difference, she has spent over six years nurturing relationships and resources to support her organization's mission. Child and Family Charities, a nonprofit in Lansing, MI, provides vital services to children and families, including foster care, adoption, resource support, youth shelter, and mental health support.

Josh Meyer, MBA

Photo of Josh Meyer
Bloomerang - VP, Demand Generation
With over 20 years of experience in fundraising, volunteer management, and marketing, Joshua Meyer brings a wealth of expertise to his current position as the VP of Market Engagement at Bloomerang. As a valued member of the Bloomerang marketing team, Josh spearheads all thought leadership, partner, and field event initiatives for the organization.

Alice Ferris, ACFRE, CFRE, MBA, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Alice Ferris
GoalBusters Consulting - Partner
Alice L. Ferris, MBA, CFRE, ACFRE, is the founder of GoalBusters, supporting small fundraising teams with development training, coaching, strategy, and implementation. For the last 30 years, she has worked extensively in fundraising for public media, rural healthcare, education, and science organizations. Alice thrives in finding creative solutions for the fundraising challenges of small organizations and teaching and training about practical and realistic tactics.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

11:15am - 11:45am
Learning Lab 1

The Future of Fundraising Events: Raise More and Stress Less (Learning Lab) Presented by Bloomerang

Discover the future of fundraising events. Learn how Bloomerang + Qgiv can elevate your events, boost donations, and ease your event reporting. From dazzling auctions to dynamic peer-to-peer campaigns, we've got the tools you need to raise more and stress less.

Audience: Strategic


Katie Gaston

Photo of Katie Gaston
Bloomerang - Senior Product Marketing Manager
Katie Gaston is a seasoned product marketing leader in product marketing management, renowned for her expertise in the nonprofit fundraising sector. Currently serving as the Senior Product Marketing Manager at Bloomerang, Katie focuses on developing and launching go-to-market initiatives to empower nonprofit fundraising professionals. Beyond her professional endeavors, Katie has demonstrated a deep commitment to serving the nonprofit community.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

12:00pm - 12:20pm
Learning Lab 1

Take a Deep Breath: Navigating the Nuances of AI Prompt Engineering for Breakthrough Innovation ( Learning Lab) Presented by AFPeeps

The ability to masterfully craft and refine AI prompts stands as a cornerstone of innovation and progress. Throughout this immersive session, attendees will embark on a journey through the foundational principles of prompt engineering, exploring its pivotal role in shaping AI's responses and behaviors. With a focus on practical application, participants will learn how to harness the power of precise, thoughtfully constructed prompts to unlock AI's full potential, transforming raw AI capabilities into tailored, effective solutions for complex challenges.


Josh Hirsch, MS

Photo of Josh Hirsch
Soukup Strategic Solutions - Senior Strategist
Josh Hirsch is the Senior Strategist for Soukup Strategic Solutions. He has worked in the nonprofit sector since 2006. He has an extensive background in social media, digital communications, and marketing along with experience in grant research and writing, individual giving, special event planning, stewardship, and cultivation of donors. He is the Florida Caucus Representative for the AFP First Coast Chapter and Past-President of the Palm Beach County Chapter

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

12:00pm - 12:30pm
Learning Lab 2

Smart Giving: Streamlining Nonprofit CRM with Wealth Data and Relationship Dynamics (Learning Lab) Presented by Altrata

In this session, we will explore 'Smart Giving': a strategy that revolutionizes nonprofit fundraising by integrating wealth insights and relationship dynamics into CRM systems. We'll uncover how this approach enables more targeted, efficient, and personalized donor engagement. By the end, you'll understand how to leverage these insights to maximize fundraising efforts and build stronger, more fruitful relationships with potential donors. Let's dive into how you can transform your organization's approach to giving.

Audience: Strategic


Maxwell Pamphile

Photo of Maxwell Pamphile
Altrata – WealthEngine, Wealth-X, and RelSci - Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships
As the Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships at Altrata, Maxwell Pamphile has dedicated over seven years to collaborating with nonprofit organizations. His role has involved partnering with more than 30 CRM companies, significantly enhancing fundraising workflows. Specializing in donor research, wealth insights, and relationship intelligence, Maxwell has developed a keen understanding of the nonprofit sector.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

12:30pm - 12:50pm
Learning Lab 1

AIn’t Data Fun? Using Generative AI in Fundraising Audits (Learning Lab) AFPeeps

OK well, maybe a database audit isn’t the most fun you’ve ever had, but the advent of Artificial Intelligence could potentially revolutionize the way we look at donor data. If you’ve ever struggled with queries or canned reports or exports or the staggering way to get a picture of how your fundraising is going, AI Data Analysis might change the way you look at it forever. Imagine being able to say in real language “Show me all my lapsed donors from last year” and getting a quick, accurate report that you could share with your leadership right away. In this quick dive we’ll take a look at using AI for data/results analysis, show you how it can work – and take a realistic look at the potential pitfalls and problems inherent in AI Data Analysis.


Clay Buck, CFRE, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Clay Buck
TCB Fundraising - Founder and Principal
T. Clay Buck, CFRE is the Founder of TCB Fundraising, a fundraising and nonprofit communications consultancy focusing on data-informed strategies to strengthen results and deepen engagement. A thirty-year fundraising veteran, Clay has worked nonprofits across the country. He is an AFP Master Trainer and holds the certificate in Philanthropic Psychology. He is also the co-creator of The Fundraiser’s Planner, Lead Fundraising Coach at iWave and the Chair of the IDEA Committee for AFP Global.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

1:00pm - 1:20pm
Learning Lab 1

The Peeps Productivity Nerds Show 10 Ways AI Saves Them Time Every Week ( Learning Lab) Presented by AFPeeps

Join fundraising master trainers and self-proclaimed productivity nerds Alice Ferris and Chad Barger for a quick run down (and demo) of their favorite AI productivity tools to wrap up day one of AFPeeps PeepsU: AI edition.


Chad Barger

Photo of Chad Barger
Chad Barger, CFRE, ACNP helps nonprofit professionals fundraise more efficiently and effectively. He is the founder of the firm Productive Fundraising, which focuses on bringing actionable, research-based fundraising tactics to small and mid-sized nonprofits. He is a top-rated conference speaker and webinar presenter as well as a master trainer of boards that “don’t want to fundraise.” Chad is also a strategic advisor and coach to many non-profit fundraisers, executive directors and board members. He takes pride in being a qualified curator of top-notch fundraising news and research through his weekly fundraiserchad e-blasts and popular free monthly webinar series.

Alice Ferris, ACFRE, CFRE, MBA, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Alice Ferris
GoalBusters Consulting - Partner
Alice L. Ferris, MBA, CFRE, ACFRE, is the founder of GoalBusters, supporting small fundraising teams with development training, coaching, strategy, and implementation. For the last 30 years, she has worked extensively in fundraising for public media, rural healthcare, education, and science organizations. Alice thrives in finding creative solutions for the fundraising challenges of small organizations and teaching and training about practical and realistic tactics.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

3:15pm - 4:30pm
Learning Lab 1

How to Become a Certified Fund Raising Executive (Learning Lab)

The CFRE Credential: Is it worth it? What are the benefits? Is the CFRE Exam difficult? This interactive session to learn everything you ever wanted to know about the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential. We’ll answer your questions plus dive into the eligibility requirements, application tips, and all things related to the CFRE Exam. 

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Eva Aldrich, CAE, PhD

Photo of Eva Aldrich
CFRE International - President & CEO
Eva E. Aldrich is President and CEO of CFRE International, the first globally recognized fundraising credential. Prior to joining CFRE International, Aldrich was Associate Director of Public Service and The Fund Raising School at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. She holds a Ph.D. in Philanthropic Studies from the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

3:15pm - 3:45pm
Learning Lab 2

Zero to Hero: Starting a Planned Giving Program (Learning Lab) Presented by Freewill

The historic shift of wealth from older to younger Americans has begun, with Baby Boomers poised to transfer up to $70 trillion in assets. Learn more about what The Great Wealth Transfer means for your nonprofit and get insights into key generational giving trends that you can use to cultivate more transformational gifts this year. You’ll also get a look at how 1,450+ nonprofits are using the FreeWill platform to grow non-cash gifts in support of their missions – and how you can too as you look to take advantage of The Great Wealth Transfer.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Alyssa More

Photo of Alyssa More
Freewill - Account Executive
Alyssa is an Account Executive with FreeWill. For the past 4.5 years, she has been working to bring nonprofits of all shapes and sizes to the platform. She specializes in helping smaller size organizations launch and find success with the tools. Prior to FreeWill, she worked in politics. She is a graduate of Vassar College and resides in Brooklyn, NY.

Lisa Maxwell-Frieden, JD

Photo of Lisa Maxwell-Frieden
Freewill - Partnerships Lead
Lisa Maxwell-Frieden, J.D. is a career fundraising professional. Since joining the FreeWill team, she has been focused on helping organizations generate more than $10 billion in new planned gifts, stock gifts, and QCD’s from partnering non-profit organizations. Before joining FreeWill, she was the Vice President for Advancement at Trine University and the Director of Gift Planning at Butler University and DePauw University.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 601 A/B

Taking Care of Your Workforce: Innovations in Mental Health Care

A key part of an organization’s success is the strong mental health and wellbeing of its workforce. This session will address the state of mental health and its connection with corporate prosperity. We will then examine innovations that can elevate menial health in the workplace.

Audience: Applied


Linda McGhee, JD, PhD

Photo of Linda McGhee
Dr. Linda Fleming McGhee is a licensed clinical psychologist who speaks and writes nationally on mental health, race, and education. She received her Psy.D. from George Washington University following a career as an attorney. Dr. McGhee is Former President of the Maryland Psychological Association. She was formerly on the clinical faculty at the Washington School of Psychiatry and a former Adjunct Professor at George Washington University and the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 701B

Treat Stewardship as the Year-Long Celebration of the Gift- and Here's How to do it!

After working hard to secure a gift donors deserve more than just a thank you letter! We'll take a journey on how to stay in touch with donors, sharing the impact of their gift through powerful messaging and engaging others, all leading to stronger relationships, happier donors and bigger gifts.

Audience: Applied


Mark Chilutti, CFRE

Photo of Mark Chilutti
Magee Rehab Hospital Foundation- Jefferson Health - Assistant Vice President of Development
Mark Chilutti has raised over $45 million to improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities in his 20+ years at Magee Rehab Hospital in Philadelphia. He enjoys helping donors make an impact through major and planned giving. He presents frequently for AFP Chapters, at AFP ICON, AFP Spotlight sessions, and as a motivational speaker. Mark is an Eagle Scout and former wheelchair tennis player, living with a spinal cord injury since 1996.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 715 A/B

Fill your Prospect Pipeline: Internal and External Methods to Finding Your Next Major Gift Donors

Internally, your next individual major gift donor is probably already connected to your organization. Understand how you can mine your database to develop your pipeline of major gift donors. Externally, what happens if there is still a gap? Discover resources “out there” to identify viable major donors to your organization.

Audience: Applied


Liz Rejman

Photo of Liz Rejman
Liz Rejman + Co. - Fundraising Operations Consultant
Liz Rejman has spent 25 years working in the fundraising profession in a variety of sectors. She has presented on the topics of leadership, ethics, fundraising operations, prospect development, data management, effective meetings, and recruitment and selection, at numerous conferences. Liz is a past President of Apra. She is contributor to the book “The Vigilant Fundraiser” and co-editor and contributor to the book "Prospect Research in Canada: An Essential Guide for Researchers and Fundraisers".

Tracey Church, MA, AFP Master Trainer, MLIS

Photo of Tracey Church
Tracey Church & Associates - Principal, Researcher & Consultant
A professional researcher for over 25 years, Tracey has worked with over 400 organizations. She was Founding President of AFP London & Region and is current Chair, IDEA & EMC Committees. Tracey is the Co-Editor & Contributor to APRA’s ”Prospect Research in Canada” book. Tracey teaches the Prospect Research in Fundraising course in Western University’s MLIS program; received the inaugural APRA Canada Excellence in Prospect Research Award; and, is an AFP Certified Master Trainer.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 716 A/B

Faith, Fundraising, & Death - 3 traditions, unlimited questions

A trio of Jewish, Muslim and Christian fundraisers explain what you need to know about legacies giving plus customs about death and giving. Bring your questions, there are no dumb ones! A safe space to talk about death, faith and money is a gift we offer to the fundraising community.

Audience: Applied


Ann Rosenfield, CFRE, MBA

Photo of Ann Rosenfield
Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto - Chief Development Officer
Ann has won awards in 5 domains of fundraising from 5 different assocations. She is the only person to be part of the winning team for the Mo Davies Award for Excellence in Small Charity Fundraising for 2 different charities - as an ED and as a Board leader. She is proud to have volunteered with Rainbow Railroad and Outright get their starts in fundraising.

Irshad Osman, MBA

Photo of Irshad Osman
University of Toronto - Senior Development Officer
Imam Irshad Osman (MSc, CFRE) is an Imam by training and a fundraiser by profession. He has worked and studied on three continents. Passionate about inclusive philanthropy. Supporter of international, and educational causes. He has participated in the Fellowship in Inclusion & Philanthropy, Interfaith Innovation Fellowship project, and KAICIID International Inter-religious Fellowship. Speaker and advocate for social justice, true inclusion, anti-hate, anti-racism, etc.

Lori Guenther Reesor, PhD

Photo of Lori Guenther Reesor
Lori Guenther Reesor - Principal
Dr. Lori Guenther Reesor (B. Math, MTS, DMin) is an expert in Christian giving (although Mennonites tremble at using the word ‘expert’ to describe themselves!) She asked Christian donors about their giving during a church basement research tour of Canada. She is delighted that her book, Growing a Generous Church: A Year in the Life of Peach Blossom Church is the only theology book with an illustration of a snowblower!

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 717 A/B

Get Q’d In! Advance Your Mission by Engaging LGBTQIA+ Donors

1 in every 6 Gen Z-ers, 1 in every 10 Millennials identify as LGBTQIA+. As a professional gay fundraiser for LGBTQIA+ nonprofits on opposite coasts, Matt will guide participants through LGBTQIA+ cultural competency, queer donor motivations, and best practices to find, engage, and cultivate these donors in your community.

Audience: Applied


Matthew Easterwood, CFRE, CAP® (Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy)

Photo of Matthew Easterwood
The Spahr Center - Chief Development & Communications Officer
Matthew Easterwood is a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® and Certified Fund Raising Executive, currently chief development & communications officer at The Spahr Center of Marin County California. Matt has 10 years of nonprofit management and six years of fundraising experience. Previous roles include a science center, and multiple LGBTQ+ community centers.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 718 A

Fundraising Effectiveness Project 2023 Review - Sector Trends and What To Do About Them

This session will report on national donor retention statistics from the AFP's Fundraising Effectiveness Project now in its 18th year of donor retention analysis. Results from more than 27,000 nonprofits can be used as national benchmarks and realist guidelines for improving performance. Eligible for 1.25 ACFRE credits in Current and Prospective Donor Research

Audience: Strategic


Benjamin Miller, MS

Photo of Benjamin Miller
Bonterra - SVP of Data Science and Analytics
Ben Miller is an entrepreneur drawing upon degrees in mathematics and systems engineering to advance applied data science in the non-profit sector. Ben Miller is the SVP of Data Science and Analytics at Bonterra, and has helped raise billions of dollars from tens of millions of donors for thousands of organizations over his career. Ben serves on the Research Council for the AFP and is the Chair of the Fundraising Effectiveness Project.

Erik Daubert

Photo of Erik Daubert
Erik Daubert, MBA, ACFRE is a recognized leader in fundraising and philanthropy and has over 30 years of experience in nonprofit management, consulting, education, and research. He is the founding chair of the Fundraising Effectiveness Project and a faculty member at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University. An AFP Master Trainer, Erik is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences and has authored many works on fundraising best practices and trends.

Alice Ferris, ACFRE, CFRE, MBA, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Alice Ferris
GoalBusters Consulting - Partner
Alice L. Ferris, MBA, CFRE, ACFRE, is the founder of GoalBusters, supporting small fundraising teams with development training, coaching, strategy, and implementation. For the last 30 years, she has worked extensively in fundraising for public media, rural healthcare, education, and science organizations. Alice thrives in finding creative solutions for the fundraising challenges of small organizations and teaching and training about practical and realistic tactics.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 602 A/B

She Leads: Navigating Leadership in Nonprofit and Beyond (Presented by Donor Perfect)

Join us for an in-depth exploration of the critical elements of leadership in the nonprofit sector, with a specific focus on empowering women to take on key leadership roles. This session provides a comprehensive framework for women leaders to navigate the complexities of leadership, including understanding key statistics and trends that impact the sector, identifying and articulating core values, building a strong personal brand, setting ambitious yet achievable goals, seeking out valuable mentorship opportunities, and embracing diverse perspectives and approaches to problem-solving. By honing these skills and capabilities, participants will be better equipped to unlock their full potential as leaders and drive meaningful change within their organizations and communities.

Audience: Strategic


Lauren Sheehan

Photo of Lauren Sheehan
DonorPerfect - President
Lauren Sheehan is President of SofterWare and has been with the company since 2008. Her and her teams have helped thousands of nonprofits achieve their goals and improve the efficiency of their operations through better, smarter use of technology. Lauren is active within her community and currently serves as a Vice President on the Board of Directors for Pennypack Farm and Education Center, a nonprofit organization located in Horsham PA.

Mallory Erickson, MA

Photo of Mallory Erickson
Mallory Erickson Coaching LLC - CEO and Creator of the Power Partners Formula ™
Mallory Erickson is an executive coach, fundraising consultant, and host of the podcast What the Fundraising, aimed at supporting nonprofit leaders to fundamentally change the way they lead and fundraise. Through her signature framework - the Power Partners Formula™? - Mallory provides unique tools to help nonprofits fundraise more from foundations, corporate partners, and individuals.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 701A

Matching the Ask to the Motivation (Presented by Blackbaud)

Giving feels good. When a donor’s own motivations, values, and needs are met and matched with an opportunity to give, that giving feels even better. In the session, you will meet donor models, and by working through the moves management process you’ll learn their motivations and learn how to shape approaches that will resonate with the donor’s personal vision and motivations.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Matt Connell

Photo of Matt Connell
Matt Connell is a Blackbaud University Instructor at the Principal level, and the lead instructor for nonprofit organizational best practices and fundraising. Matt has been a frequent contributor to sgENGAGE and the Blackbaud Community and has presented at bbcon and AFP ICON events. Prior to joining Blackbaud, Matt’s career was a diverse mix of development operations, research, and fundraising.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 801 B

The New AFP Code of Ethics-Understanding and Using it.

  Join us for a hands-on workshop exploring the future of the AFP Code of Ethical Standards and Principles. The new Code will feature a renewed focus on inclusivity and today’s fundraising environment. “The Code is subject to change and approval by the AFP Global Ethics Committee and AFP Global Board of Directors.” Eligible for 1.25 ACFRE credits in Ethics, Accountability and Professionalism

Audience: Applied


Andrea McManus, CFRE

Photo of Andrea McManus
To Come

Audrey Kintzi, ACFRE, MA, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Audrey Kintzi
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota - Vice President, Emerita for Advancement and the Executive Director of the M. A. in Philanthropy and Development Program
Audrey Kintzi is the Vice President, Emerita for Advancement and the Executive Director of the M. A. in Philanthropy and Development Program at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Ms. Kintzi has been working in the development field for over 35 years and is a certified AFP Master Trainer and holds a Certificate in Philanthropic Psychology (with Distinction) from the Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy.

Robbe Healey, ACFRE, MBA, AFP Master Trainer, FAFP

Photo of Robbe Healey
Aurora Philanthropic Consulting - Founding Member
Robbe Healey brings more than four decades of diverse experience, insight, and success to philanthropic fundraising consulting, strategic planning, board governance and non-profit organization management. Highly regarded and sought after, she has worked with more than 150 organizations. A member and past chair of the AFP Ethics Committee, she is currently CO-Chair of The AFP Code of Ethic Review Task Force. Committed to community service, she is a Rotarian, and volunteer with three community organizations.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 802 A/B

Cognitive Impairment in Donors: Best Practices & Considerations

With 1 in 9 people aged 65+ years showing signs of cognitive impairment, encountering a donor with this issue is inevitable. We will teach the top signs of cognitive impairment, best practices to utilize in this situation, and pose questions about incorporating this in your culture, metrics, CRM, and stewardship.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Tara Adams, JD, Ed.M.

Photo of Tara Adams
Cognitive Empowerment Consulting Group, LLC - Co-founder
Tara Adams has served in roles at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, University of Illinois College of Law at Urbana-Champaign, and North Carolina State University as well as raising funds for the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. Tara received her B.S. from Illinois State University and her Ed.M. and JD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she is a current Ph.D. student. Tara is the co-founder of the Cognitive Empowerment Consulting Group.

Anthony Pomonis, CFRE

Photo of Anthony Pomonis
Cognitive Empowerment Consulting Group, LLC - Co-founder
Anthony Pomonis served as a major gift officer for the University of Illinois, the University of Illinois Foundation, and the University of Central Florida. Anthony graduated with his B.A. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and began a 15-year journey as an entrepreneur. Anthony considers himself to be a lifelong learner and is about to sit for the CFP exam. He is the co-founder of the Cognitive Empowerment Consulting Group, LLC.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 801 A

How to Convert Fans to Donors - A Fundraisers Guide to Social Media

The increase in digital programming and social media use has changed the way nonprofits raise money, build communities, and advocate for their causes. In this session, we'll discuss how to take people from passive fans to passionate supporters and create social media content that actually converts.

Audience: Applied


Josh Hirsch, MS

Photo of Josh Hirsch
Soukup Strategic Solutions - Senior Strategist
Josh Hirsch is the Senior Strategist for Soukup Strategic Solutions. He has worked in the nonprofit sector since 2006. He has an extensive background in social media, digital communications, and marketing along with experience in grant research and writing, individual giving, special event planning, stewardship, and cultivation of donors. He is the Florida Caucus Representative for the AFP First Coast Chapter and Past-President of the Palm Beach County Chapter

Julia Campbell

Photo of Julia Campbell
J Campbell Social Marketing - Digital Storytelling & Social Media
Julia Campbell is a nonprofit digital consultant, speaker, and author who has been recognized by Forbes and LinkedIn as a top thought leader. She hosts the Nonprofit Nation podcast, has written two books on social media and storytelling for nonprofits, and has helped hundreds of organizations transition to digital through her courses, webinars, and talks.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 714 A/B

AFP Government Advocacy in Canada

Nearly a quarter of Canadians expect to access charitable services to meet essential needs (Ipsos, Oct 2024). The importance of a thriving, productive charitable sector in our country has never been more important. Members of AFP in Canada play a crucial role to ensure the relationship with the Federal Government is effective and enables fundraising to thrive. Join this session to understand the current landscape, key issues and how you can join AFP to advocate for the charitable sector in Canada.

Audience: Strategic


Tanya Rumble, CFRE, MPNL (MA)

Photo of Tanya Rumble
Toronto Metropolitan University - Executive Director of Development, Faculty of Arts
Tanya Rumble, CFRE is a fundraising leader who has raised millions for some of Canada's largest charities. Tanya is passionate about IDEA; and power and privilege and how these intersect with philanthropy. Tanya holds an Honours BA in Political Science from McMaster, a Graduate Certificate in Marketing Communications at NYU, and Master Philanthropy Nonprofit Leadership from Carleton University; she is also a graduate of the AFP Inclusion and Philanthropy Fellowship, and DiverseCity Fellowship.

Aaron Sanderson, ACFRE, CFRE

Photo of Aaron Sanderson
Kids Help Phone - SVP, Advancement & Chief Development Officer
Aaron Sanderson, CFRE, FAHP, ACFRE is an international award-winning fundraiser with over 16 years of experience at leading nonprofit organizations: War Child, SickKids Foundation, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, Plan International and Kids Help Phone—where he currently serves as Chief Development Officer leading a historic $300M campaign for youth mental health.

Lisa Davey

Photo of Lisa Davey
Lisa Davey currently serves as the vice president of AFP Canada. AFP Canada was created in 2017 to bring a Canadian perspective to AFP’s government relations and communications as well as to focus on priorities such as on Truth and Reconciliation. We represent over 3,000 fundraising professionals working to support causes and missions that help people from coast to coast to coast.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 718 B

Women’s Leadership Journeys: Success in the face of organizational design, diversity and imposed imposter syndrome

Using a storytelling style, join in the conversation of common leadership challenges as four women reflect on their journeys to executive C-suite roles, attaining success for their organization and their careers.     Eligible for 1.25 ACFRE credits in Leadership and Management

Audience: Applied


Mojdeh Cox

Photo of Mojdeh Cox
Cox and Co. - Principle
Mojdeh Cox brings people together to have challenging conversations around complex issues, develop and execute action plans. For over a decade, Mojdeh has coached organizational and community leaders, businesses and not-for-profit organizations re-imagining their work through heightened equity lens'. Mojdeh speaks, writes and provides media commentary on issues impacting communities.

Sherry Schaefer, MHS

Photo of Sherry Schaefer
CapitalCare Foundation - Director, Foundation and Community Engagement
With 35 years in leadership, Sherry has devoted her skills to mentorship programs, and leadership development. Focusing on team building, communication and business relationship skillsets, she has helped many new leaders hone in on their skills and assets. Sherry attributes her success within healthcare to her ability and learned skills in negotiation, leveraging, and focused networking. lead amazing teams, committed to the goals of the organization and succeed at incredible outcomes.

Delphine Hasle, CFRE

Photo of Delphine Hasle
Perley Health Foundation - Executive Director
Delphine Hasle is a motivated professional, adept and experienced in setting philanthropic strategies and performance measures from annual programs through to capital campaigns. As Executive Director of Perley Health, she has extensive experience with operational and financial management and reporting at the C-Suite and Boardroom levels. She is at her best when working as a conduit between the donor and the institution.

Meghan Rehbein

Photo of Meghan Rehbein
Rutgers University - Dean, Douglass Residential College
Meghan Rehbein serves as the eleventh Dean of Douglass, a role she has held since July 2022. Dr. Rehbein joined Douglass in 2018, serving most recently as Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives where she developed new opportunities for collaboration, with a special focus on communications and sustainability. Prior to that, she led the record-breaking conclusion of the highly successful Power of 100 Years Campaign on behalf of Douglass.

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 4:30pm
Learning Lab 2

Earn More Customers (Yes, We Said Customers)- (Learning Lab) Presented by Fundraise Up

Discover how viewing donors through the lens of 'customer experience' can revolutionize your fundraising efforts. In this session, we'll compare e-commerce strategies to donor engagement, applying Fundraise Up's features to enhance satisfaction and retention. Embrace the paradigm shift: donors are discerning consumers who demand excellence. Elevate their journey, exceed expectations, and watch your support network grow.

Audience: Applied


Michael Longenecker

Photo of Michael Longenecker
Fundraise Up - Director of Enterprise Sales
Michael Longenecker is a seasoned professional in the field of nonprofit technology, with a passion for optimizing the donor experience and revolutionizing online giving. With a background in nonprofit CRM architecture and email marketing automation, Michael brings a wealth of experience to the table as Fundraise Up’s Director of Enterprise Sales. Fundraise Up is the chosen platform for some of the largest nonprofits in the world, dedicated to removing friction during the donation process and

Sun, Apr 7, 2024

4:00pm - 5:15pm
Room 713 A/B

How to engage with Latinx Community and thrive! (Sponsored by Veritus Group)

Latinos are projected to maintain the highest labor force participation rates among racial or ethnic groups, and by 2021, the Latino gross domestic product (GDP) will reach $1.7 trillion (a quarter of the U.S. GDP). Do you know how to engage with them? Join me!

Audience: Applied


Leticia Martinez, MA

Photo of Leticia Martinez
International Community Foundation - Director of Philanthropy
As Director of Philanthropy, Lety Martinez leads the planning, development, and implementation of all communications, marketing and fundraising activities across the organization. She magnifies the culture of philanthropy across ICF staff and board members. Lety was awarded Outstanding Development Professional of the Year 2021 by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) San Diego Chapter. Lety has over 15 years of experience successfully fundraising and stewarding donor relations for several Mexican and US nonprofit organizations.

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