education sessions

We have a wide array of educational sessions waiting for you at AFP ICON 2024. Whether you want to master leadership, relationship building, securing the gift, trends and innovation, or all of the above, AFP has the latest and greatest information to unlock your fundraising potential.

*Sessions and speakers subject to change.
*Session times, dates and assigned rooms subject to change.


Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 601 A/B

Data-Driven Do-Gooders: Unleash Your Nonprofit's Superpowers with Data

Achieve fundraising success with data-driven decision making! Join Maggie Dubyk and Meena Das for expert insights on using data to set and measure achievable goals, understand donor behavior, and more. Get real-life examples of how nonprofits have used data to succeed and level up your nonprofit game!

Audience: Applied


Meena Das

Photo of Meena Das
Meena Das (she/her/hers) is the founder, consultant, and facilitator at her practices NamasteData and Data Is For Everyone. NamasteData is focused on advancing data equity for nonprofits and social impact agencies. Meena specializes in designing and teaching equitable research tools and analyzing engagement. She supports nonprofits in 3 core areas: data collection assessments, community surveys, and, staff workshops on improving data equity (through data collection, visualization, human-centric algorithms etc.)

Maggie Dubyk

Photo of Maggie Dubyk
Keela - Chief of Staff
Maggie is an experienced humanitarian and social impact leader with a decade of experience in the nonprofit sector. She has worked on diverse causes like women's empowerment, refugee support, youth education, and economic development in various global contexts. Maggie's passion is leveraging data and technology to revolutionize the sector, and she currently serves as Chief of Staff at Keela, a tech company providing innovative solutions for nonprofits.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 602 A/B

Learning from the Present to Prepare for the Future of Volunteer Engagement

The modern volunteer is changing. Are you ready to change with them? Join us to explore the past, present and future of volunteer engagement in an interactive session packed with tips for meaningful community engagement and tools to advocate for successful volunteer participation.

Audience: Applied


Sammy Feilchenfeld, CVA

Photo of Sammy Feilchenfeld
Volunteer Toronto - Manager, Learning
As Manager of Learning, Sammy Feilchenfeld, CVA designs and oversees Volunteer Toronto’s responsive and accessible learning experiences for non-profit engagement professionals, grassroots leaders and volunteer seekers. With a strong focus on diverse educational interventions that support the changing needs in volunteerism, Sammy also develops training for aspiring and established non-profit Board Members.

Kasandra James

Photo of Kasandra James
Volunteer Toronto - Director, Programs
Kasandra James (she/her) is Volunteer Toronto’s Director of Programs. Kasandra provides strategic leadership of the organization’s programs, services and events that connect Toronto’s diverse volunteer-seekers with community organizations and volunteer programs that need them. Since joining Volunteer Toronto in 2015, Kasandra has used her experience and expertise in non-profit and volunteer management, community development and program design to support capacity building efforts in hundreds of organizations across Ontario.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 701A

Fundraising is Funny

Share laughs as we unpack the ridiculous situations happening in sector. Sometimes we just have to laugh at ourselves in order to learn. The root of each of these stories is a serious ethical question, a system or structure or person that allowed it to happen. Because fundraising is funny.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Lynne Wester, Masters in Fundraising

Photo of Lynne Wester
Donor Relations Guru LLC - Founder and Principal
Lynne is regularly featured in publications such as the Washington Post, Chronicle of Philanthropy, and CASE Currents and has contributed to two books and authored four books of her own on a myriad of industry topics. Lynne received her B.A. from the University of South Carolina, holds a Masters in Strategic Fundraising and Philanthropy from BayPath University, and proudly sports a DUCKtorate from the Disney Institute.

Clay Buck, CFRE, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Clay Buck
TCB Fundraising - Founder and Principal
Clay is a dynamic speaker and teacher and an internationally recognized thought leader in fundraising and nonprofit management. He is an experienced frontline fundraiser with over three decades of leading successful individual giving programs. A frequent speaker, trainer, and author, Clay makes his home in Las Vegas, Nevada where he teachers fundraising and strategic planning in the Fundraising/Nonprofit Certificate programs and graduate school at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 701B

Measuring Major Gifts Success: The Top 10 Metrics That Matter

Are you struggling to determine what metrics are best for your major gifts program? Is everyone on the same page about which benchmarks you’re using and why? Attend this fast-paced session for a rousing, interactive discussion (and debate!) about effective metrics application and how to measure success at your organization.

Audience: Strategic


Julie Upham, CFRE

Photo of Julie Upham
Conservation International - Vice President, Individual Giving
Julie Naranjo Upham is the VP, Individual Giving at Conservation International. She oversees more than $60M in revenue through the annual, major, and principal giving teams, and led CI's Special Events program and their global Business Councils. In addition to her CI experience, Julie led the National MS Society's Major and Planned giving teams and has an MPA in Nonprofit Management. She is a mom of three, AFP-DC Board member, and an avid triathlete.

Martha H Schumacher, ACFRE, CFRE, MInstF

Photo of Martha H Schumacher
Hazen and HILT - Hazen and HILT
Martha H. Schumacher is President of Hazen Consulting and the Hazen Institute for Leadership Training (HILT), creating global strategies to elevate social impact and philanthropy. Her current and recent clients include Emory University, Conservation International, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, and National Geographic Society. Martha is a past AFP Global Chair. She lives with her husband Casey and their sweet yet energetic rescue dogs Gage and Josie.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 713 A/B

Write and Wrong: Developing Million Dollar-plus Proposals

Proposal structure, wording and imagery could motivate some donors to give to your organization, and cause others to take their generosity elsewhere. We will discuss inspiring with emotion and justifying with logic, including the steps to take and the ones to avoid when your goal is securing a significant gift.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Ruane Remy, MJ (Master of Journalism)

Photo of Ruane Remy
Toronto Metropolitan University - Communications Officer
Ruane Remy is experienced at crafting persuasive narratives that inspire donors to give millions of dollars to fund innovation and equity in health care, medical research, and leading education. She specializes in developing proposals, grants, and cases for support, which have been key in securing gifts as generous as $50 million-plus. Her experience in advancement communications spans supporting higher education at Toronto Metropolitan University and top Canadian hospitals at University Health Network through UHN Foundation.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 714 A/B

Development and Communications Teams Working Together: How to Get Along and Get On With It

This session courageously explores this age-old friction, including research results on what Fundraising and Communications teams face in trying to working together collaboratively. We present common tensions and creative solutions on how teams can build stronger collaborative processes and relationships -- without sacrificing each of their important missions.

Audience: Strategic


Misty McLaughlin, MA

Photo of Misty McLaughlin
Cause Craft Consulting - Principal and Founder
Misty McLaughlin is Principal of Cause Craft, a small-scale, high-impact organizational design firm that helps nonprofits to build up their capacity for fundraising and marketing. Equal parts nonprofit expert, organizational development strategist, and supporter-engagement maven, she helps fundraisers navigate critical times of change. Her expertise spans assessing opportunities for an organization to grow and scale, creating strategic and tactical roadmaps to get there, and supporting the process of implementing the necessary change.

Alice Hendricks

Photo of Alice Hendricks
Cause Craft Consulting - Principal and Founder
Alice Hendricks is Principal of Cause Craft, a small-scale, high-impact organizational design firm that helps nonprofits to build up their capacity for fundraising and marketing. She has provided executive coaching, organization development, process design, technology readiness and staffing strategy to leaders across the sector. Her particular gift involves identifying the wisdom within nonprofits and offering a holistic approach to making organizational change, and her mission is to help organizations thrive in a digital world.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 718 A

What Not to Say to Your Donors, Eh? (And What to Say Instead)

Why give you money? Why you and not someone else? One thing: words. Without knowing it a reader thinks... "Wow, they really get me. Sign me up for some of that!" Come strike a memorable chord in a noisy world. Your donors long for it. Your bottom line demands it.

Audience: Applied


Julie Cooper

Photo of Julie Cooper
Julie Cooper is a fundraising copywriter and donor comms strategist passionate about helping nonprofits reach the next level of revenue and impact. Her specialties include print and digital fundraising writing, annual planning, and fundraising design. She holds a Certificate in Philanthropic Psychology with Distinction from the Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy, is a member of The Case Writers, and is the founder of JB Cooper LLC, where she collaborates with her writing partner, Brett Cooper.

Sarah Masterson, MA

Photo of Sarah Masterson
Sarah Klein Masterson Consulting - Copywriter & Consultant, Donor Communications
Nonprofit leaders trust Sarah to help them speak from the heart – to the heart – growing meaningful donor relationships and extraordinary generosity. Her work is shaped by 25 years in cause-driven communications, along with degrees in psychology and rhetoric. She holds a Certificate in Philanthropic Psychology with Distinction from the Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy. In a noisy world, Sarah is passionate about inspiring people to say "Me, too!" and "I'm IN."

Rachel Muir, CFRE

Photo of Rachel Muir - Keynotes, custom training & retreats
When she was 26, Rachel Muir launched Girlstart, a non-profit empowering girls in math, science, engineering and technology in the living room of her apartment with $500 and a credit card. Several years later she had raised over 10 million and was featured on Oprah, CNN, and the Today show. Today Rachel delivers workshops and offers a monthly membership, League of Extraordinary Fundraisers, transforming people into confident, successful fundraisers.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 801 A

AI in Fundraising: Enhancing Efficiency and Impact while Ensuring Accountability

In this interactive session we'll explore how to ethically incorporate AI into your fundraising workflow while ensuring accountability. Learn about potential risks and challenges associated with AI integration in fundraising and best practices to manage them. Join us to discover how AI can help enhance your fundraising productivity.

Audience: Applied


Keith Greer, CFRE

Photo of Keith Greer
University of New Mexico Foundation - Director of Development
Keith Greer, CFRE is Director of Development for the UNM School of Architecture + Planning. With over a decade of fundraising experience, Keith has lead fundraising for Hawai'i Island's largest hospice organization and was the Director of the ASRT Foundation with work reaching around the globe. Keith is an AFP Chamberlain Scholar as well as an ASAE NextGen Award Winner.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 718 B

Thinking Big Around Legacy Giving for Growth & Long-term Connection

Legacy marketing is about a values connection and understanding donor needs/motivations. This session will provide new insights into how to make these valuable connections, what is working to inspire people to take action and how you can harness the power of legacy to grow your programs and deepen relationships.

Audience: Applied


Rachel Hunnybun

Photo of Rachel Hunnybun
Blakely - Director, Strategic Solutions
Rachel is a fundraising professional with over a decade of experience working for UK charities in Individual Giving & Supporter Experience. Through her role at Blakely Inc she now works with US and Canadian charities and is passionate about helping charities deliver a great donor experience. She speaks internationally, served as a commissioner for the UK’s Commission on Donor Experience and is a member of the institute of fundraising.

Kimberley Blease

Photo of Kimberley Blease
Blakely - Executive Vice President, Strategic Solutions and Consultancy
When it comes to building high-value donor relationships, Kimberley’s original thinking is unparalleled. With over 38 years of experience, Kimberley is a fundraiser and marketer, and sought after speaker on the topics of high value giving, planned giving, legacy and trends in the sector. Kimberley’s passion for high value donor development has led to the creation of new products and solutions for the sector, and the launch of Blakely’s thought leadership platform – The Exchange Hub.

Niambi Martin-John

Photo of Niambi Martin-John
Stephen Lewis Foundation - Director of Development
Niambi is a social change champion, community mobilizer, advocate and fund development specialist who has dedicated her career to increasing capacity for marginalized, racialized and at-risk communities. For more than 20 years, Niambi has held leadership roles in the health charity, arts and social services sectors, employing an integrated, mission-centered, collaborative approach to drive revenue, create space and empower beneficiaries. Niambi is currently the Director of Development at the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 802 A/B

Turn data into dollars: How insights and technology together can deliver major giving wins for fundraisers (Presented by Bonterra)

When it comes to major giving, you need a way to do more with less and we have a solution. Bonterra and Altrata will take you through best practices for leveraging data and technology to make a bigger impact. Improve campaign engagement. Never miss an opportunity. Make the most of every conversation.

Audience: Strategic


Eric White, MA

Photo of Eric White
Altrata - Director, Account Manager – Advocacy
Eric White, a seasoned leader at the intersection of analytics, data, and nonprofit consultancy, embodies the ethos that "the magic is in the data." With over a decade of experience, Eric has excelled in roles such as Principal Senior Consultant and Director of Client Engagement, where he has orchestrated evidence-based strategies for advancement and marketing initiatives. His expertise spans from pioneering data-driven feasibility studies and capital campaigns.

Garrett Swaim, MBA

Photo of Garrett Swaim
Bonterra - Account Executive - Large Enterprise Sales
Garrett works with some of Bonterra’s largest nonprofit customers in the evaluation and implementation of their Enterprise Fundraising & Engagement solutions. Garrett has a diverse background working with 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofits, as well as independent, family, and community foundations.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 716 A/B

Continuing the Conversation on being an Equitable, Inclusive, Diverse Leader

To take on the biggest problems, all need to lead in an inclusive, diverse and equitable manner. This session will focus on the leadership skills you need for personal and professional success. These diverse leaders on the panel live their lives with IDEA everyday. Learn how you can as well!

Audience: Applied


Sana Mahboob

Photo of Sana Mahboob
Government of Canada - Senior Advisor
Sana Mahboob is an enormous advocate for the communities she serves, a seasoned speaker across the globe, and a morning show guest in Pakistan. Sana continues to serve on local, national, and international Boards. With over a decade of diverse experiences, Sana has a transparent and truthful discussion style, and as an immigrant to Canada, she brings a diverse perspective and passion to everything she does professionally, and personally.

Majoy Camberos

Photo of Majoy Camberos
Majoy Camberos seeks growth in cultural, educational, and philanthropic fields with interdisciplinary experience which enriches her problem-solving approach with background in administration, logistics, and orchestral production, serves as Project Developer at Orphanage Ana Maria Casillas. AFP member since 2020, she currently holds the secretary position at AFP Occidente Pacífico México.

Michael Baker, CFRE, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Michael Baker
m3 Development - Partner & Founder
Michael J. Baker, CFRE, is founder and partner of m3 Development, a full-service consulting firm. Michael has over 30 years of experience, is an AFP Master Trainer, serves on the Board of the Marlboro Educational Foundation, and as an Ambassador for CFRE International. Michael served on the AFP Global Board, is Past-President of the AFP–NJ Chapter, has a BA from the University at Albany, SUNY, and is an Eagle Scout.

Don Baker, AFP Master Trainer, MPA

Photo of Don Baker
FAME, Inc. - Chief Executive Officer
For over 20 years, Don has invested his time to serve people in and around Delaware. Before becoming CEO of FAME, Inc., Don built a reputation for tackling the root causes of social issues including hunger, poverty, social/racial justice, and education. Don received his formal training at Morehouse College as a Political Science Pre-law major. Don was one of the Delaware Valley’s first Standards for Excellence ® Licensed Consultants and AFP Certified Master Trainers.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 803 A/B

The Cockpit, Congress, and Charities: Stories from a Nonprofit CEO (Presented by CharityEngine)

From flying Navy jets to lobbying for the beer industry to serving as the CEO (and savior) of Help Heal Veterans, “Captain Joe” McClain has overcome challenges in many forms. In this presentation, he will share inspiring stories from the military, political, and nonprofit sectors. Through his personal anecdotes and practical insights, nonprofit executives will learn how to apply leadership principles, turn obstacles into opportunities, and foster a culture of resilience in their organizations. Join CharityEngine’s Director of Client Success, Alexis Langley, CAE, as she chats with Joe about his unique career and lessons he’s learned.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Alexis Langley, CAE

Photo of Alexis Langley
CharityEngine - Director of Client Success
Alexis Langley, CAE, is a relationship-building, technology-loving problem solver. As a proud Certified Association Executive with a decade of experience serving the non-profit industry, Alexis has empowered countless mission-driven organizations to raise more money, engage their communities, and grow their impact. In her current role as CharityEngine's Director of Client Success, Alexis helps clients maximize their experience and achieve their goals.

Joseph McClain, MA

Photo of Joseph McClain
Help Heal Veterans - CEO
Joe McClain serves as the CEO of Help Heal Veterans whose mission is to heal the invisible wounds of war through creativity by manufacturing and distributing therapeutic crafts supporting VA/military health care. His unique background includes flying jets and command-at-sea in the Navy; and developing and executing the legislative strategy for the beer industry as President of the Beer Institute trade association. Joe is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 717 A/B

The Keys to Donation Form Conversion: Design and Optimization (Presented by Blackbaud)

In this session, you'll learn how to design a donation form that converts visits into donations. We'll cover the 6 hallmarks of a high-converting nonprofit donation form and how you can modify your donation forms accordingly. We'll also define optimization and discuss strategies for making and testing small changes to your forms to best meet the needs of your donors. Finally, we'll share a case study where design and optimization had a real impact on conversions.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Lacey Kruger

Photo of Lacey Kruger
Lacey has been working with nonprofits to create delightful online experiences since 2005. Her background in user research and donation form design is a solid foundation for her current work on the newest Blackbaud Donation Forms. Lacey is passionate about online giving, A/B testing, optimization and information architecture.

Chris DeFalco

Photo of Chris DeFalco
Chris is a product leader who has served customers for over 25 years. He has extensive experience collaborating with customers to understand their business problems and apply technology to provide the most effective solutions. He has worked in multiple industries and markets using analytics to drive positive outcomes for customers.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 801 B

Not ANOTHER AI session!? The Unexpected Applications of AI (Presented by Fundraise Up)

Explore AI-driven strategies to enhance nonprofit campaigns and donor engagement without sacrificing the personal touch. Learn from real-world examples how AI can amplify fundraising efforts and nurture long-term donor relationships. Gain actionable insights into integrating AI into your development strategy, boosting your team's efficiency, and focusing on impactful work. This session is for both AI skeptics and enthusiasts, aiming to demystify AI's role in aligning with organizational values and missions, moving past the hype to unlock AI's potential in nonprofit fundraising.

Audience: Strategic


Charles Lehosit

Photo of Charles Lehosit
Fundraise Up - Director of Solution Engineering
Explore AI-driven strategies to enhance nonprofit campaigns and donor engagement without sacrificing the personal touch. Learn from real-world examples how AI can amplify fundraising efforts and nurture long-term donor relationships. Gain actionable insights into integrating AI into your development strategy, boosting your team's efficiency, and focusing on impactful work. This session is for both AI skeptics and enthusiasts, aiming to demystify AI's role in aligning with organizational values and missions, moving past the hype to

Charly Jarrett

Photo of Charly Jarrett
Fundraise Up - Specialist, Digital Giving
Charly Jarrett (he/she/they/them) is a Digital Fundraising Specialist with a focus in social media, e-commerce and digital giving optimization. Charly has been working in non-profit going on 15 years and works passionately to close the gaps between the for profit and non profit sector. They have presented on various topics in digital fundraising internationally.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

8:00am - 9:15am
Room 715 A/B

CANCELLED Unleashing Leadership Potential: Coaching for Nonprofit Success and Building Inclusive Teams

Unleash your leadership potential and build strong, diverse, and inclusive teams in your nonprofit organization. This interactive workshop using John Maxwell's leadership principles teaches effective communication, team-building strategies, and how to create a culture of success. Gain valuable insights and actionable steps to enhance your leadership skills.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Dale Richardson, JD

Photo of Dale Richardson
Dale Richardson, Esq. is a dynamic leadership speaker, attorney with two decades of experience, and dedicated development officer. Passionate about empowering individuals, Dale inspires with his high-energy approach and commitment to purpose-driven living and leadership. As a certified John Maxwell Team member for almost a decade, Dale's expertise makes him a go-to source for leadership insights, working with Fortune 500 companies and diverse organizations to unlock their full potential.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

9:15am - 9:45am
Learning Lab 1

Fundraising Reimagined: 5 Innovative Tools to Skyrocket Donor Acquisition (Learning Lab) Presented by Bloomerang

Discover the power of 5 cutting-edge tools that are transforming the landscape of donor acquisition and fundraising. Learn how to use AI and new payment methods to target the right donors and boost your donation conversion. Leverage peer-to-peer and integrated volunteer management to grow your network and nurture your biggest supporters. Join us to elevate your 2024 fundraising game with the latest innovations

Audience: Strategic


Katie Gaston

Photo of Katie Gaston
Bloomerang - Senior Product Marketing Manager
Katie Gaston is a seasoned product marketing leader in product marketing management, renowned for her expertise in the nonprofit fundraising sector. Currently serving as the Senior Product Marketing Manager at Bloomerang, Katie focuses on developing and launching go-to-market initiatives to empower nonprofit fundraising professionals. Beyond her professional endeavors, Katie has demonstrated a deep commitment to serving the nonprofit community.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

9:15am - 9:45am
Learning Lab 2

AI and Innovations in Prospecting and Marketing with Sylogist MISSION CRM + Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit (Learning Lab)

AI and Innovations in Prospecting and Marketing with Sylogist MISSION CRM + Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit See the latest AI tools and innovations from Microsoft and MISSION CRM to make fundraising and communications easier and more effective. We’ll explore how fundraisers can use this cutting-edge tech to segment, analyze, target and execute effective campaigns to attract new donors and unearth potential opportunities.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


CJ Brooks

Photo of CJ Brooks
CJ has over 15 years’ experience as an expert Architect and has implemented MISSION CRM and Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit for mid-size to enterprise nonprofits globally, including World Wildlife Fund Canada, St John's Ambulance UK, Archdiocese of Toronto and United Way of King County.

Tommy Spann

Photo of Tommy Spann
With over 20 years of expertise in nonprofit database technology, Tompkins "Tommy" Spann has committed his career to empowering organizations. Since establishing his own nonprofit in 2000, he's aided thousands in optimizing their systems for online donations, email marketing, advocacy, and CRM, utilizing platforms like Salesforce and Microsoft. Passionate about leveraging technology for impactful outcomes, he believes in efficient operations and data-driven decisions.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:00am - 10:30am
Learning Lab 1

Navigating Donor Journeys: Strategies for Engaging Nonprofit Supporters - (Learning Lab) Presented by Microsoft

Audience: Applied


Kristin Fleek

Photo of Kristin Fleek
Kristin Fleek has held several leadership and individual contributor positions at Great Plains and Microsoft for 25+ years, since her career shift from the Education sector. In her current role, Kristin is the Business Applications Lead for Microsoft’s Tech for Social Impact Team, which focuses on the nonprofit sector globally. She leads the strategy to drive growth and health of the business and exceed fiscal year targets, working with marketing, partner and sales team leaders,

Jim Ballou

Photo of Jim Ballou
Microsoft - Technical Specialist, Tech for Social Impact
My name is Jim Ballou and I have been working at Microsoft for 2 years as a Technical Specialist for Microsoft’s Tech for Social impact team. I help our Nonprofit customers transform their operations through better technology solutions. I specialize in the Dynamics365 suite of applications, which includes customer relationship management (CRM), and the Power Platform, which enables users to create low code no code solutions.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:00am - 10:30am
Learning Lab 2

Moving Up or Moving Out: A Donor-Centric Approach to Portfolio Management and Handoffs - (Learning Lab) Presented by Gravyty

In a recent survey of over 160 fundraising leaders, internal handoff and portfolio procedures was one of the top five challenges teams currently face. Not establishing clear internal processes for portfolio management lead to major misses for growing key donor relationships. In this session, two seasoned fundraising experts cover the state of portfolio management and lay out best practices for internal handoffs, relationship continuity and white-glove donor engagement.


Megan Sanko, MA

Photo of Megan Sanko
Gravyty - Enterprise Account Manager
Megan Sanko is a seasoned fundraising professional with more than 16 years of frontline fundraising experience. With various roles, including Assistant Director of Digital Fundraising at the Wildlife Conservation Society and Director of Institutional Engagement at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, she has spent most of her career focused on individual, corporate, and event fundraising. She is now a product expert and account manager at Gravyty.

Frank Mumford, CFRE

Photo of Frank Mumford
Gravyty - Account Executive
Frank is a fundraiser at heart who found his way into supporting nonprofits through creative software solutions. Frank got his start as a student telethon fundraiser and joined Gratavid after serving as Senior Donor Advisor at The Greater Twin Cities United Way. He serves on the AFP MN Board of Directors and NMU Alumni Association Board, and obtained his CFRE in 2019.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 713 A/B

Big Donors Love Big Ideas: Vision & Innovation Leading to Major Gifts

Since big donors love big ideas, nonprofits need to cast vision and innovate to devise the major opportunities that captivate major gift donors. An easy-to-use framework for identifying a compelling vision, a six-step innovation process, and a paper clip will strengthen your ability to craft big ideas for big donors.

Audience: Applied


Bill Stanczykiewicz, MA, EdD

Photo of Bill Stanczykiewicz
Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanth - Senior Assistant Dean, External Relations
Bill Stanczykiewicz serves as senior assistant dean for external relations at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of philanthropy where he directs The Fund Raising School. Bill has been associated with raising more than $120 million for small, medium, and large nonprofits over the last 25 years as a staff and board member in the philanthropic sector.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 714 A/B

Hidden Gold: How Monthly Giving will build donor loyalty and improve donor retention

Join Harvey McKinnon, author of three books on monthly giving and one of North America's leading experts on the subject, and Jas Jhooty, who led one of the largest monthly giving programs in Canada and learn how to create lifelong donors through recurring giving

Audience: Applied


Jas Jhooty, MA

Photo of Jas Jhooty
Independent - Consultant
As a consultant, Jas helps charities realize the power of their own donor data and tell the story behind it. Using data audits/analytics, donor journey mapping, storytelling, and a multi-channel approach, Jas helps charities keep the donors they have. She has over 15 years of monthly giving expertise including monthly acquisition, conversion, reactivation, and upgrades through email, digital, direct mail, telefundraising, DRTV, telethons, radiothons, and face-to-face/door-to-door.

Harvey McKinnon, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Harvey McKinnon
Harvey McKinnon Associates - President
Harvey McKinnon is recognized as one of North America’s leading fundraising experts. He has delivered fundraising keynotes at conferences around the world and is a frequent master-class trainer. He has authored five books –most recently a third book on monthly giving: How to Create Lifelong Donors. His best-selling book, The 11 Questions Every Donor Asks, is a major gift training manual for fundraising departments throughout the US and Canada.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 717 A/B

Brand Your Capital Campaign for Success

Boost your next capital or comprehensive campaign by strategically branding that initiative. In this session, you will learn why branding a campaign is important, how it can enhance your organization's visibility and reputation, and what the four key milestones of campaign branding are and how to reach them.

Audience: Strategic


Lori Woehrle, MBA

Photo of Lori Woehrle
Leapfrog Group - Editorial Director
Lori Woehrle, immediate past president of AFP-DC, is a branding expert who lives at the intersection of marketing and fundraising. She has helped nonprofits in healthcare, education, culture and human services raise their visibility and increase engagement through strategic branding, marketing and communications. She serves as editorial director of Leapfrog Group and is writing a book on marketing for fundraising.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 801 A

Using the Power of Connections and Influence in Global Corporate Fundraising

Social initiatives are increasing within corporations due to the ESG agenda. Learn how to define the best strategies of relationship building and maintenance to connect your cause with businesses and make your nonprofit part of the impact companies want to generate. Corporate fundraising is waiting for you!

Audience: Applied


Salomão Lima, MBA

Photo of Salomão Lima
IOS - The Institute for Social Opportunity - Head of Development and Institutional Relations
DEI Consultant and Head of Development at The Institute for Social Opportunity, a Brazilian nonprofit focused on education for underserved youths. Experienced in fundraising for internationally recognized nonprofits, including World Vision, Brasscom (Brazilian Association of Information Technology Companies), and United Nations Global Compact. UN Young Professional Pioneer Award finalist. MBA in International Relations and executive certifications in LGBTQI+ Leadership from Stanford University (USA) and Queen’s University (Canada), and Political Leadership at George Washington University (Brazil).

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 718 B

Becoming a Changemaker: How Fundraisers are Positioned for Advancing Equity

Fundraisers are changemakers. We identify issues, make connections, generate support, and solve problems. These attributes make fundraisers well-positioned for leadership roles helping advance inclusion, diversity, equity, and access in our organizations at any level. This session will share personal stories, identify skills and provide resources for your IDEA success.

Audience: Applied


Helen (Hyo-Kyung) Choi

Photo of Helen (Hyo-Kyung) Choi
HC & Associates - Principal
Helen Hyo-Kyung Choi is a Certified Fund Raising Executive. She is a dynamic, empathetic and experienced community builder and speaker. She is also a leading public relations consultant to nonprofits, public sector organizations and socially conscious driven for-profit enterprises. She is a strong advocate for compassion, generosity and thoughtful investment in causes related to vulnerable women and children. In total, she has raised over $15 million dollars through her consultancy.

Terrel White, MSA, MSW

Photo of Terrel White
Center for Nonprofit Excellence - Director of Advancement
Terrel White (he/him/his) was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, and is currently the Director of Advancement at the Center for Nonprofit Excellence in Charlottesville, Virginia. Before his current role, he has worked across the country within universities in multiple facets of fundraising. He holds a Master of Social Work as a macro practitioner, focusing on social change, innovation, and policy advocacy; a Master’s in Administration with a concentration in nonprofit administration and philanthropy.

Jonathan Meagher-Zayas, CFRE, MSW, MPA, CDP

Photo of Jonathan Meagher-Zayas
Equity Warrior Strategies LLC - Owner & Chief Strategist
Jonathan (he/him) is a Queer Latinx Millennial nonprofit strategist dedicated to addressing equity issues, building capacity, engaging the community, motivating new impact leaders, and getting stuff done. Jonathan wears many professional hats including fundraiser, nonprofit strategist, coach, trainer, adjunct professor, and macro social worker. He leads Equity Warrior Strategies LLC, a consulting company that provides leadership development education and coaching, community engagement strategic planning, and equity training and assessments to the social impact sector.

Chrissey Nguyen Klockner

Photo of Chrissey Nguyen Klockner
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School - Director Of Development And Communications
Inspired by her family of immigrants, Chrissey strives to break the barriers facing women of color, to lift up and support other people from immigrant backgrounds, and to build community with other fundraisers. As a fundraising professional, she has built and expanded fundraising programs in Texas, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., and has led nonprofit leadership teams through fundraising growth and strategic challenges. To date, she has raised over $18 million for causes nationwide.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 801 B

Empowering Change: Engaging Black Communities and Donors in Fundraising

In today's dynamic philanthropic landscape, the importance of engaging and empowering Black, Indigenous and people of color ( BIPOC) communities and donors cannot be overstated. Many nonprofit organizations have faced challenges in actively engaging Black donors in the United States for various reasons — historical context, lack of diverse representation, limited awareness and outreach, and cultural sensitivity, to name a few. Habitat has recognized these challenges and is actively working to address them. In this session, you will gain insight into housing disparities affecting Black communities, discover innovative philanthropic strategies, and leverage cultural competency to amplify Black voices. Join us as we delve into the important and timely topic of engaging Black donors in fundraising at HFHI, which can empower Black donors as agents of change and create a more equitable future for all.

Audience: Strategic


Danielle Lloyd, MPP, MDIV

Photo of Danielle Lloyd
Habitat for Humanity International - Director, Resource Development Expertise Hub
Danielle is an Atlanta-based community engagement professional who is passionate about effective communication and helping others reach their full potential. She started working with children, seniors, and families as an AmeriCorps member before joining Habitat. Her trajectory into the nonprofit sector has leveraged her skills to utilize emotional intelligence for strategic impact: planning for success and serving with compassion are so important.

Jodie Ruediger, CFRE

Photo of Jodie Ruediger
Habitat for Humanity International - Habitat for Humanity International
Jodie has worked in the space of fundraising, events, and communications for more than twenty years, honing her craft in the corporate, nonprofit, and military sectors. Her specialties are Peer-to-Peer, corporate sponsorship, and development coaching and training. She is a CFRE and serves on 2 IDEA committees at AFP Global. She currently works for Habitat for Humanity International in Resource Development, creating, curating, and connecting best fundraising practices for the organizations 1,000 U.S. affiliate offices.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 803 A/B

You Can Be More Than Remotely Successful Fundraising Remotely

While meeting prospects face-to-face is the preferred method, raising money while video-conferencing is becoming increasingly common. In this session, we will provide strategies for fundraisers stewarding donors and cultivating gifts without a single in-person meeting. You will learn best practices for successfully working remotely while developing deep connections with colleagues.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Yael Rosen, CFRE

Photo of Yael Rosen
Yael Rosen, CFRE has been working as a non-profit professional and volunteer for over 20 years. She is currently the Director of Community Engagement, for MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger and has also worked as a fundraiser for Repair the World, Momentum, Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA, Starlight Children’s Foundation, and United Jewish Appeal. Her volunteer time has been dedicated to roles in non-profit organizations specifically serving Jewish causes, youth, and education.

Jody Braunig, CFRE, LMSW

Photo of Jody Braunig
Lost Tribe - Director of Development
Jody has dedicated her professional journey to creating positive change in the world. With over two decades of experience as a non-profit professional and outstanding volunteer, she has earned recognition in both the New Orleans and Jewish communities. Currently serving as the Development Director for Lost Tribe, Jody adds a touch of joy to life as a baseball mom, Float Lieutenant and 2024 Royalty for the Krewe of King Arthur.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 715 A/B

Trust, Impact, and Communications to Overcome Donor Skepticism and Increase Fundraising Results

This session will help participants demonstrate trustworthiness and program results and provide accountable communications to support fundraising efforts by presenting seven steps to assure ethics are meaningful, eight disciplines to ensure programs achieve good results, and a communications strategy that highlights responsibility and accountability, thereby increasing funding and program impact.     Eligible for 1.25 ACFRE credits in Ethics, Accountability and Professionalism

Audience: Strategic


Ann Wang, MA

Photo of Ann Wang
Ann Wang serves as Senior Advisor, Strategy & Engagement at Plan International. She provides strategic counsel, including special project management and engagement support, to the Chief Strategy & Engagement Officer and the expanded Strategy & Engagement Department. She oversees the running of the day-to-day operations of the department while driving enhanced collaboration and increased impact of the team, with its focus on positioning Plan as a global lead in girls’ rights and girls in crisis.

Ken Phillips, MA, 2nd MA

Photo of Ken Phillips
NGO Futures LLC - NGO consultant, mentor, author
As fundraiser, CEO, board chair, volunteer, trainer, and consultant, Ken achieved breakthrough success for nonprofits for 60 years. His fundraising tripled revenues for Save the Children and Plan International USA. His consulting helped thousands of fundraisers and executives in 35 countries. His books on "Make a Better World" describe leadership and fundraising fundamentals, strategic and operational planning, strategies for fundraising, and how to gain trust and respect from donors. Degrees from Princeton, Michigan, and NYU.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 601 A/B

How We're Transforming Our AFP Chapter Through a Commitment to IDEA

AFP Silicon Valley Board Members will share how they're transforming CA Chapters with the innovative IDEA Fellowship for diverse fundraisers. Learn about launching the program with provided tools and templates after a group discussion and interactive brainstorm about your Chapters commitment to IDEA.

Audience: Applied


Julia Zarcone, MA

Photo of Julia Zarcone
Opera San Jose - Director of Development
Julia Zarcone is an accomplished strategist, fundraiser, board coach, and non-profit leader. Her fifteen years of service as an Executive Director and Major Gifts officer equips her with a depth of knowledge and expertise to advise and manage complex projects and complex people. Julia enjoys deep dives into process, teaching teams to function with integrity and transparency and guiding people to their best wisdom and most vibrant performance.

Manju Ramachandran, CFRE

Photo of Manju Ramachandran
San Jose State University - Director of Development
Inspired to be “in service to others,” Manju Ramachandran works with donors to give their time, treasure, and talent to close the equity gap in the Bay Area and has raised over $10MM to support programs at SJSU, India Community Center, Second Harvest Food Bank and All Stars Helping Kids. Manju co-founded the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) fellowship for AFP Silicon Valley/Golden Gate to ensure all voices are included in philanthropy.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 802 A/B

Unlocking Donor Potential: Transforming Volunteers into Cause Champions through Relationship-Driven Fundraising (Presented by Fundraising Academy)

Volunteers are essential in every organization. They know your cause and support your organization throughout the year. They are your greatest advocates and possess linkage, ability, and interest in filling resource gaps. The question now is: Does your organization have a strategic plan to elevate volunteer commitment into meaningful financial contributions? Volunteers represent untapped potential as major gift prospects. If your major gift prospect pool currently overlooks this hidden treasure within your volunteer base, this session is for you. Join us to explore converting loyal volunteers into enthusiastic donors, unlocking a new dimension of support for your cause.

Audience: Applied


Hannah Berger, CFRE, MPA

Photo of Hannah Berger
The Philanthropy Coach, LLC - President, The Philanthropy Coach
As a self-proclaimed “accidental expert” at revitalizing fundraising programs to realize exponential growth, Hannah is skilled at building authentic, lasting relationships with philanthropists, community leaders and corporate representatives. She thoroughly enjoys coaching other professional fundraisers to do the same. Hannah has proudly supported dozens of nonprofit organizations in raising more than $150M. Hannah's boutique consulting firm, The Philanthropy Coach, specializes in major expansion campaigns, board recruitment and development, and the creation of strategic development plans.

LaShonda Williams, CFRE, MPA

Photo of LaShonda Williams
LaShonda Williams, MPA, CFRE, recently joined South Texas College of Law as the Associate Director of Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving. She serves as a vital member of the Advancement and Alumni Engagement department, which spans all fundraising functions, alumni engagement, and philanthropic services. She possesses two decades of experience in higher education, former employers include Prairie View A&M University, University of Houston College of Education, African American Studies and Bauer College of Business.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 602 A/B

Building a Sustainable Fundraising Plan: A Research-backed Guide to Healthy Fundraising (Presented by Qgiv)

With rising costs, the Great Resignation, and donor numbers declining, nonprofit leaders face increased pressure to keep their teams motivated to raise more money with even fewer resources. What can be done to address these challenges? Qgiv’s Sustainable Giving Report sought to answer that question! Join us to learn how you promote wellness and job satisfaction within your organization and ultimately improve staff retention, donor relations, and revenue.

Audience: Strategic


Melaina Chromy

Photo of Melaina Chromy
Qgiv - Public Relations and Communications Manager
Melaina’s experience working on successful fundraising teams and political campaigns gives her a unique outlook on how to approach diverse audiences. Before joining Qgiv, she served as the Director of Annual Giving for Florida Southern College, leading several successful giving days including the College’s most successful giving day on record. Now as Qgiv’s Public Relations and Communications Manager, Melaina stays busy collaborating on multi-channel marketing campaigns and developing content for the company’s nonprofit audience.

Mallory Erickson, MA

Photo of Mallory Erickson
Mallory Erickson Coaching LLC - CEO and Creator of the Power Partners Formula ™
Mallory Erickson is an executive coach, fundraising consultant, and host of the podcast What the Fundraising, aimed at supporting nonprofit leaders to fundamentally change the way they lead and fundraise. Through her signature framework - the Power Partners Formula™? - Mallory provides unique tools to help nonprofits fundraise more from foundations, corporate partners, and individuals.

Emily Bell, MPIA, MSW

Photo of Emily Bell
Emily serves as the executive director of the North Central Region at Canine Companions, a national organization that raises, trains, and places service dogs with clients with disabilities, free of charge. Before joining the Canine Companions team, Emily held roles leading major gift fundraising teams at The Ohio State University, served as a development officer at Thomas College in Waterville, Maine, and spent time in a consulting role with A.L. Brouman Associates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Cherian Koshy, CFRE

Photo of Cherian Koshy
Kindsight (iWave+ UCinnovation + NOS) - VP of Product Strategy- Kindsight (formerly iWave).
Cherian Koshy, VP of Product Strategy at iWave, is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP), and AFP Master Trainer. He is the founder of the Nonprofit Operating System (now an iWave product), a comprehensive platform designed to help organizations streamline their operations and maximize their impact. Prior to starting NonprofitOS, Cherian spent more twenty five years working in the nonprofit sector, working with thousands of donors and raising millions

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 716 A/B

Dare to Lead: Becoming a volunteer leader for AFP

Becoming an AFP volunteer leader is an important and decisive step in your fundraising career. And it is much more than just your time, your energy, and your ideas. Join us as we share our leadership journey and (hopefully) inspire you on yours.

Audience: Strategic


Vincent Duckworth, CFRE, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Vincent Duckworth
ViTreo Group Inc. - President & CEO
Vincent Duckworth is the President and CEO of ViTreo and the Chair of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada. Vincent has been a leader in the nonprofit sector for more than two decades. He is internationally recognized as a leading expert on campaign design, strategy and major gift performance. He is also Canada’s authority on philanthropic naming.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 718 A

Emerging Trends in Fundraising Research (Sponsored by AFP Foundation for Philanthropy)

Join the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy for an engaging panel discussion with fundraising scholars from around the country. Learn about their cutting edge research - both recently published and in process - and consider how it can be applied to improve your fundraising.

Audience: Applied


Lois Buntz

Photo of Lois Buntz
Lois Buntz Consulting LLC - President and Owner
Lois Buntz, CFRE, is President of LoisBuntzConsultingLLC, author, and fundraiser. Her consulting business focuses on strategic planning, fund development, and women's philanthropy. She recently published a book, Generosity and Gender. Buntz is the former CEO of United Way ECI. She has a BA from Univ of Wisconsin, MSW, Univ of Iowa, and Nonprofit Leadership Certificate from Stanford University. Tara Stone Medina is an independent consultant with experience in U.S.,Latin America, and Europe.

Lori Overmyer, Chair of AFP Research Council, and AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Fundraising Board Member

Photo of Lori Overmyer
Goettler Associates - Vice President
Lori Hunter Overmyer, MBA, CFRE has more than twenty-five years of professional fund-raising experience with a focus on the arts, social, and human service organizations. Her professional expertise includes implementing annual and capital fund-raising plans, strategic analysis, major donor solicitation, and establishing development procedures to maximize effective operations and communications.

Angela Seaworth

Photo of Angela Seaworth
Rice University Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadersh - Director
Angela Seaworth, Ph.D., is Instructional Assistant Professor, Director of Philanthropic Initiatives & Capacity Building at the Texas A&M Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership. Dr. Seaworth is passionate about nonprofit and philanthropy education. At the Texas A&M Bush School of Government and Public Service, she teaches Management and Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations, Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector, Fundraising in Nonprofit Organizations, and Grant and Project Management for the Public and Nonprofit Sectors.

Ruth Hansen

Photo of Ruth Hansen
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater - Assistant Professor
Ruth K. Hansen, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of nonprofit management at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Her research focuses on the theory and practice of fundraising, and equity and inclusion in resource mobilization. Ruth has more than 20 years’ professional experience as a fundraiser, and is a former board member of AFP-Chicago. Along with her collaborator Lauran Dula, she was the inaugural winner of a Levis Research Grant.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 603

Interactive Listening Workshop: AI for Fundraisers (Presented by Microsoft)

Interested in AI for your nonprofit, but not sure where to start? Join our interactive workshop where you’ll discuss best practices for AI with your fellow fundraising practitioners and connect with technology providers who making a global impact in the AI space. In this hands-on session, you’ll also have the chance to share your thoughts on AI with teams that are building the technology, and leave with valuable connections and ideas you can implement in 2024.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Christina Macchiarola, MBA, Other

Photo of Christina Macchiarola
Microsoft - Global Engagement & Content Lead
Christina Macchiarola is the Global Engagement & Content Lead for the Tech for Social Impact team at Microsoft. Previously, Christina served as Sr. Director of Marketing & Consulting at the College Board, the Director of Marketing and Communications at the World Science Festival and began her nonprofit career at the New Victory Theater in New York City. Christina holds an MBA from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, an MFA from Columbia University's School.

Alex Kasavin, MBA

Photo of Alex Kasavin
Microsoft - Sr. Product Manager
Alex Kasavin is a senior product manager on the Tech for Social Impact team at Microsoft, where he leads the development of data and AI products for the nonprofit sector. Prior to this role, he helped Fortune 500 enterprises with their digital transformation efforts as a cloud solution architect, and was previously the founding product lead at a K-12 education nonprofit focused on educational equity.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:15am - 11:30am
Room 701A

Create a Fired-Up High Performing Board

Let’s create a board that’s fired-up, enthusiastic and ready to work. Discover how to change your board’s culture, build an internal culture of philanthropy, and create new involvement and commitment. You’ll learn 10 ways to Liven Up Your Board Meetings, and the Tough Questions to discuss with your board.

Audience: Applied


Gail Perry, CFRE, MBA, AFP Master Trainer

Photo of Gail Perry
Gail Perry Group - Consultant, Speaker, Author and Coach
Gail Perry is a veteran philanthropy leader, keynote speaker, and author with more than 30 years’ experience. Her company, Gail Perry Group, helps nonprofits reach extraordinary fundraising and capital campaign goals. She has keynoted over 60 fundraising conferences around the world, and was named a LinkedIn Top Voice in Philanthropy in 2020. Her book, Fired-Up Fundraising: Turn Board Passion into Action, is recognized as “the gold standard guide to building successful fundraising boards.”

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:45am - 11:15am
Learning Lab 2

Unlocking Impact: Exploring the Power of Impact Frameworks for Nonprofits (Learning Lab) Presented by UpMetrics

Unlock your nonprofit’s impact potential with our transformative session on crafting impact frameworks. Discover why impact frameworks are essential for operationalizing your impact, including measuring progress, driving continuous improvement, and showcasing outcomes to attract support from funders and donors. In essence, an Impact Framework is more than a tool; it's a blueprint for driving meaningful change, maximizing effectiveness, and instilling confidence in stakeholders. Learn to articulate your mission and objectives with clarity, and select the right metrics to measure progress towards goals. This session equips you with the skills and insights needed to measure, communicate, and amplify your nonprofit's impact.

Audience: Introductory/Foundational


Kiva Thompson

Photo of Kiva Thompson
As a Sales Engineer at UpMetrics, Kiva combines her technical expertise with a passion for social impact. With a focus on crafting innovative solutions that promote increased collaboration and transparency across philanthropy, she bridges the gap between technology and social change by empowering nonprofit organizations to leverage their data to measure and maximize their impact efficiently.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

10:45am - 11:15am
Learning Lab 1

Navigating Donor Expectations In a Smartphone World (Learning Lab) Presented by Fundraise Up

Showcasing Fundraise Up's robust mobile-centric features and user interface, designed to meet and exceed the expectations of modern donors. We'll highlight functionalities that ensure your nonprofit is equipped to provide a seamless and intuitive giving experience on any mobile device. Expect to learn about: - Mobile-optimized donation forms that increase conversion rates - One-click donations via Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other mobile wallets - Personalized mobile outreach strategies to engage new donor demographics - Real-time analytics and how they can inform your mobile fundraising strategy. We will also discuss emerging demographics that are more likely to contribute when approached with mobile-friendly giving options. By understanding these groups and their preferences, your organization can tap into new sources of support and foster lasting donor relationships.

Audience: Applied


Salvatore Salpietro

Photo of Salvatore Salpietro
Fundraise Up - Chief Partnerships Officer
Salvatore Salpietro is the Chief Community Officer of Fundraise Up, a technology company unlocking the world’s generosity potential by optimizing how people give. He also currently serves on the board of Prior, he served as Director of Digital for Child Mind Institute, a nonprofit focused on children's mental health, and a technologist in academia.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

11:30am - 12:00pm
Learning Lab 2

Tech for Impact: A Look at 2024 Nonprofit Trends (Learning Lab) Presented by Sage

As Managing Director for Sage in North America, Mark Hickman empowers U.S. and Canadian businesses by simplifying workflows to break down barriers and achieve growth. With more than 20 years of experience at the executive management and leadership-levels, where he consistently grew revenues at leading organizations, Mark brings a wealth of knowledge essential to successfully navigate the channel, partner, and SMB landscapes in North America. As a leader, Mark looks to empower colleagues, partners, and customers to seek out solutions through creativity and innovation.

Audience: Applied


Mark Hickman

Photo of Mark Hickman
Sage - Managing Director, North America
As Managing Director for Sage in North America, Mark Hickman empowers U.S. and Canadian businesses by simplifying workflows to break down barriers and achieve growth. With more than 20 years of experience at the executive management and leadership-levels, where he consistently grew revenues at leading organizations, Mark brings a wealth of knowledge essential to successfully navigate the channel, partner, and SMB landscapes in North America.

Tue, Apr 9, 2024

11:45am - 12:15pm
Learning Lab 1

AFPeeps Game Show: AI Edition (Learning Lab) Presented by AFPeeps

This is more than just a workshop; it's an adventure into the realm of artificial intelligence, packed with learning, laughter, and the spirit of competition. Prepare to challenge your mind, unleash your creativity, and deepen your understanding of artificial intelligence in the most entertaining way possible. Whether you're an AI enthusiast, a professional looking to sharpen your skills, or simply curious about the world of technology, this game show-style workshop promises to be an unforgettable experience.


Josh Hirsch, MS

Photo of Josh Hirsch
Soukup Strategic Solutions - Senior Strategist
Josh Hirsch is the Senior Strategist for Soukup Strategic Solutions. He has worked in the nonprofit sector since 2006. He has an extensive background in social media, digital communications, and marketing along with experience in grant research and writing, individual giving, special event planning, stewardship, and cultivation of donors. He is the Florida Caucus Representative for the AFP First Coast Chapter and Past-President of the Palm Beach County Chapter

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